"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." --Mahatma Gandhi

Can we stop the Stinkbug spread?

I think as Lafayette students we are all familiar with this pesky brown pest. Originating in Asian, the stinkbug (Halyomorpha halys) was introduced into the United States in the mid 1990s. We all recognize them as the annoying bugs that fly around our room and land on our books and in our clothes. But they are also incredibly problematic for fruit crops.

They have now spread to 41 states. Tracy Leskey is a research entomologist with the United States Department of Agriculture who is working to understand the threat stinkbugs pose, patterns in which they move and how they may be eliminated. The main problem is that nothing in the Unites States eats these stinkbugs. In Asia a parasitic wasp eats the stinkbugs from inside the shell but more research needs to be done to determine what kind of damage introducing the foreign wasp will create on native stinkbugs and whether it will just turn into another invasive species.

Regardless of how it is accomplished, I certainly agree that these pesky bugs should be gotten rid of…finding them everywhere in a dorm room is not very fun!



  1. فروشگاه لوازم ورزشی

    thank. please visit my website.

  2. oncablog.one

    bonjour!,j’aime beaucoup votre écriture! partager nous sommes en contact plus approximativement avec votre post sur AOL?
    J’ai besoin d’un expert dans ce domaine pour résoudre mon problème.

    C’est peut-être toi! Je jette un coup d’œil à l’avenir pour vous regarder.

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  7. Brittany Flynn

    Invasive species are extremely harmful to local ecosystems. I would personally suggest not introducing another foreign insect that would probably cause more damage. Hopefully a solution to the stink bug problem can be found soon!!

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