"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." --Mahatma Gandhi

Keep the Oil in the Ground in the Amazon

This is a video about the people in Ecuador who are fighting against the drilling of oil in the Amazon.  An Ecuadorian girl talks about how allowing drilling is wrong.  She says how the people are being a “pain in the ass” for the government.  The government say that allowing drilling will solve poverty, but the Ecuadorian girl says it will not solve poverty, and it will destroy culture and kill animals.  Her grandfather used to say “it is from the amazon that the breath of the world comes from.”  If the amazon is destroyed then the world is in trouble.  It is a great video that has a lot of video footage of the destruction going on in the beautiful Amazon. There is also video of the people protesting against the drilling and they are asking for support from the rest of the world.




  1. cimalight

    I love this! These are exactly the types of stories that I think will really affect people.

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  8. Miranda Wilcha

    I think the biggest point made is that the economic gains will only be short term and will only be applicable to the company coming into the forest. With increased health problems and disruption of culture, how can it be said that drilling will help the people living there? This video really made me wonder why there isn’t an international decree to save the forest, which is vital to global climate.

    http://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/17/business/energy-environment/ecuador-drops-plan-to-ban-drilling-in-jungle.html : I found this article which explains why the ban on drilling was dropped. The trust fund that the government DID try to use didn’t work because others would not uphold it and donate. Although the amazon is in one specific location, I do not believe that our current nation-state structure of countries protecting only their own boundaries will solve the global climate issues at hand.

    It’s a shame to see this gorgeous footage and think that it might be the last time.

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