Story of Place : Ginny, Shawn, Maggie – Supplemental Photos

It is possibly hard to imagine why we are all so fascinated with our little Butz Mill river spot without being able to see it for oneself. So here are some photos of our favorite treats so far:


upon arrival of our hillside entry point, we noted a suspicious and alarming needle. we did not find any other needles after the initial sighting but we did notice a number of spoons, leading us to believe more concretely that this is a location frequented by heroin addicts and other drug users.


despite the abundant garbage, this place is so lovely.   DSC_0908

a shot of the whole dam from about halfway across the river (thanks waders).


we were intrigued to note some children’s play things on the far shore once we had crossed the creek.


The Easton Public Works building hides just beyond the trees at the lip of the creek, here is a pile of cigarette butts, nearby was an abandoned can of worms and some footprints. Perhaps our lovely little creek hideout is a popular lunch or fishing spot for the workers.   DSC_0919

We were very interested in this apparent throne constructed from old stone materials. What was the original use for these stones? And who constructed this current structure? This really began to trigger some of our thoughts about infrastructure and its relation to nature. There is a sort of cyclical use of materials that matches the cyclical nature of an aquatic ecosystem. We will continue to explore these ideas with future findings such as this one.


View of the wall from the bottom, above is the road.DSC_0922

One of many funky bricks we stumbled upon. This one was Ginny’s favorite.    DSC_0927

Spotting a ladder beneath the surface.


Some wildflowers reclaiming an old trailer near the Public Works buildings. DSC_0939 DSC_0941 DSC_0942 DSC_0943


Some gems of Easton’s past. Traffic lights, road signs, etc.    DSC_0949

Trekking back down in our stylish ensembles. DSC_0951

Funky little critters on another neat brick.


Ginny moving around some (possible?) building materials. More connection to infrastructure and nature.


My favorite bit of pottery/ceramic from the river. Things like this are scattered everywhere. Some seem old, some seem newer, all seem perplexing in their abundance.DSC_0961

A brick we ultimately took with us for further exploration and hopeful identification. DSC_0962

Ginny leading the charge to see the other side of the dam.DSC_0966

Ta-da! A pristine view from atop the dam.

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