Story of Place with Bethany, Erik and Tessa


When we returned to our spot this week as our second visit, we all felt more comfortable. Part of that we attributed to having been here before and knowing what to expect. We were all surprised by how little seemed to have changed in the week between our visits. The biggest difference we observed was the weather and how it seemed a bit less friendly on an overcast day than when the sun is out in full force. The water level ran at about the same height, having not had any rain in the past week. We did encounter the same man up by the road. He was standing in the same place and was, oddly enough, changing his shirt, the same action we witnessed last week. We saw him as we drove by but by the time we had parked and come back, he was gone. If he is there during our next visit, we hope to have a conversation with him and find out what he does at the corner.DSC_0108 DSC_0110 There is lots of litter here. It is probably a combination of what has been washed up on shore from deposition further up the river and litter from people who may come here to hang out.DSC_0112 The campsite of a homeless person was still there, although with a few modifications. We noticed that the target had been removed so we know that someone is living there now and it’s not from a long time ago.DSC_0114 Underneath the bridge that we cross over to reach our spot.

DSC_0116 A few shots of the two rivers meeting. The island is  visible to the right, as well as the remains of the dam, where the white water flows.

DSC_0127 DSC_0128The whiter rocks are the same rocks that are submerged in the water, so this area would be underwater if the river was higher.

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