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Veganism: A Form of Protest

I was quite proud of myself this past week. I was gulping down an Odwalla fruit drink a day and had my …

Meatless Substitutes to the Rescue

So with much resistance and complaining I’ve finally become a real vegetarian. After a few days I’m realizing that life without meat …

Adding to the Bottle Graveyard

As expected, changing my behavior to stop using water bottles has been quite easy. I implemented my plan and bought  a refillable …

Productivity in the sH2Ower

Positive? Well my fingers are not quite as prune-y once I get out of the shower. But to my own surprise, my …

Plugging along.

Like Kermit the frog said one “It’s not that easy being green.” He was more right than I thought he was about …

Does Eating Out=Throwing Out?

This past week was week one of my five and a half week challenge of making an effort to waste significantly less …