Plugging along.

Like Kermit the frog said one “It’s not that easy being green.” He was more right than I thought he was about this. I did not expect how inconvenient it is to constantly have to plug in my phone and computer chargers at night and unplug it the very moment I wake up. I am seriously considering a power strip now just to make it easier but I found another way to cheat and not need to buy a power strip. I have started plugging my phone into the usb port on my computer instead of the outlet adapter to make it easier for me to remember to unplug everything. However, I may still invest in a power strip later in the behavior challenge if I continue to loath unplugging the extra two cords. I know that makes me sound super laze and I done even care.


The first few days were the hardest to remember everything for sure. I left the room on 3 or 4 separate occasions only to get one flight of stairs down and have to walk back up from the second floor, which also happens to be the tallest flight of stairs in the building, to go back to my room and unplug all of my electronics, and then having to pick up the pace on my way to class so I wasn’t late.

Last week was also one of my busier weeks of the past 3 semesters so I do expect it to get a little easier to remember to do my sustainable behavior. I’m having more trouble than I thought I would have doing this but then again I did not think that I would have any trouble what so ever. Silly me I guess but it has gotten better as the week went on and it always feels good to be green.

And here is a link for more information about how much energy I will be saving doing my Sustainable behavior:

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