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The Quicker the Better

It was a daunting task jumping into the sustainable behavior challenge. I chose to cut back on my water usage by shortening …

The Land of the Plates

12 o’clock hits. Students bolt out the doors of the classroom and flood into the dining halls. The sounds of glass plates …

So Far, So Good

This past week, my drive to cut down on my food waste has been a top priority. I plan to keep it …

The Nalgene Saves The Day

    I made it through the first week without dying of dehydration! In fact, I am starting to like the convenience …

Friends For Change

There is a sense of accomplishment when I look down at my empty plate at the end of dinner. I feel like …

Lower vs. Landfills

I have officially cut out using plastic water bottles, woo hoo! Except I wasn’t exactly shouting that at the top of my …

And off we go!

Today starts my 5.5 weeklong adventure into a meatless world. Not only will I be living more sustainably, but I have convinced a …

This time I will

As the task I was assigned to, I was trying to observe myself doing my bad habit. Actually, before we were told …