E-waste Recycling

Authored by: Lafayette College EGRS 451 Group (Mathew Keehn and Andrew Walsh) Date: Spring 2012 Course Instructor: Professor Cohen File Links: Memo, E-waste Receptacle, and Updated Webpage Abstract: This project aimed to increase visibility on campus about the problems of and possible solutions to electronic waste. It follows from a similar project from Fall 2011 …


Solar Charging for an Electric Vehicle

Authored by: Lafayette College EGRS 451 (Matthew Bernhard) Date: Spring 2012 Course Instructor: Professor Cohen Links: Memo and Picture of the Model Abstract: A common misconception is that electric vehicles and plug-­‐in hybrids are environmentally friendly. These vehicles reduce emissions by using little or no gasoline, but depending on the source of their electricity, they …


Misinformation and Hydraulic Fracturing

Authored by: Lafayette College EGRS 451 (Max Caserta) Date: Spring 2012 Course Instructor: Professor Cohen Website Link: http://misinformationhf.wordpress.com/ Abstract: The website created for this project is intended to help identify and interpret certain forms of information produced about hydraulic fracturing.  Because there are many perspectives involved in the hydraulic fracturing discussion there are many different …


Visualizing Fracking in PA and NY

Authored by: Lafayette College EGRS 451 (Michael Black and Michael Trejo) Date: Spring 2012 Course Instructor: Professor Cohen PDF Links: Memo and Report Abstract: The purpose of this project was to determine the physical, environmental, social, cultural, political, and economic differences between hydraulic fracturing practices in the Marcellus Shale formation in New York and Pennsylvania. …


Industrial Site Arts Redevelopment

Authored by: Lafayette College EGRS 451 (Thomas Golaszewski) Date: Spring 2012 Course Instructor: Professor Cohen PDF Links: Memo and Booklet Abstract: The Lehigh Valley has been devastated by the loss of its industrial economy over the last half century. More than many areas in the country, the Lehigh Valley has an abundance of sites that used …


Connecting EGRS and the Nurture Nature Center

Authored by: Lafayette College EGRS 451 Group (Jeffrey Duck and Brian Lynch) Date: Spring 2012 Course Instructor: Professor Cohen PDF and Video Links: Memo and Video Abstract: This project asked: How can we increase involvement from the Lafayette community in the Nurture Nature Center’s mission? More specifically, how can we encourage members of the Lafayette …


Analysis of Student Experience and Community Development

Authored by: Lafayette College EGRS 451 (Cara Donleavey and Gabriella Lachapel) Date: Spring 2012 Course Instructor: Professor Cohen PDF Link: EGRS 451 SP’12 Analysis of Student Experience and Community Development (Prezi) Abstract: This project’s main research question was: Is the relationship between student experience and community development, at the undergraduate level, sustainable? To address that question, the project examined …


Proposal – Camelback Capital Improvements

Authored by: Lafayette College EGRS 480 Group Date: Spring 2012 Course Instructor: Professor Veshosky PDF Link: EGRS 480 S’12 Camelback Capital Improvements Proposal Abstract: Camelback Mountain Resort, located in Tannersville, PA, features year-round attractions. Clinics, lessons, and programs designed especially for children make Camelback a great place for any skier; in the summer the 160 acre resort functions as …


Proposal – Easton Wastewater Treatment Plant Project

Authored by: Lafayette College EGRS 480 Group 2012 (Matthew Keehn, Andrew Walsh, Melissa Downey, Ashley Springer, and Alicia Bartley) Date: Spring 2012 Course Instructor: Professor Veshosky PDF Link: EGRS 480 S’12 Easton Wastewater Treatment Plant Project Proposal Abstract: The Easton Wastewater Treatment Plant is considering changes to its sludge  handling and disposal processes, to reduce the high liquid …
