Farm Project Feasibility Analysis

Authored by: Lafayette College EGRS 451 Group (Caitlin Mitchell and Shaung Zhao) Date: Spring 2012 Course Instructor: Professor Cohen Project Links: Memo and Poster Abstract: This project posed the question, what is the most effective way to determine whether a project for the Lafayette College Farm/Garden is feasible or not feasible? We used this question …


Mapping the Lafayette College Community Garden

Authored by: Lafayette College EGRS 251 Group Date: Fall 2011 Course Instructor: Professor Cohen Site Link: Abstract: The vision of this project is to place the Lafayette Community Garden in the context of a larger system of food production in Easton, Pennsylvania.  Research conducted on the Lafayette Community Garden as well as other food …


The Easton Farmers’ Market

Authored by: Lafayette College EGRS 251 Group Date: Fall 2011 Course Instructor: Professor Cohen Site Link: Abstract: The ideal of local is a fundamental value of farmers’ markets. In the definition of farmers’ markets, local is mentioned twice: first, in reference to local farmers and second, in reference to local customers. However, in our …


Food Deserts in Easton

Authored by: Lafayette College EGRS 251 Group Date: Fall 2011 Course Instructor: Professor Cohen Site Link: Abstract: This website was developed by a group of students enrolled in Professor Cohen’s Introduction to Engineering and Public Policy course at Lafayette College for the fall semester, 2011.  You can find many interesting videos on our home …
