E-waste Recycling

Authored by: Lafayette College EGRS 451 Group (Mathew Keehn and Andrew Walsh) Date: Spring 2012 Course Instructor: Professor Cohen File Links: Memo, E-waste Receptacle, and Updated Webpage Abstract: This project aimed to increase visibility on campus about the problems of and possible solutions to electronic waste. It follows from a similar project from Fall 2011 …


E-Waste at Lafayette College

Authored by: Lafayette College EGRS 251 Group Date: Fall 2011 Course Instructor: Professor Cohen Site Link: http://sites.lafayette.edu/egrs251-fa11-ewaste/ Abstract: This is a published site for Lafayette College’s awareness and efforts to reduce e-waste on campus. As you navigate through the site, you will find some background contexts on the topic and our suggestions for possible implementation strategies for a small …
