3 Replies to “Renewable Energy (Holland)”

  1. Hey Nia!

    Overall, this was a solid presentation. I really liked how you framed your slidecast as a history lesson, and the various sound effects helped keep your viewer focused. I also really enjoyed how you incorporated a few video clips into your presentation, which helped switch up the format and keep us interested. Your explanation of algae and biomass as a renewable energy was incredibly concise and clear (which was great, because I’ve always struggled to fully understand how they work).

    My only note would be that I wish you focused more on the rise of the environmental movement and how, over the past few decades, that has intensified and become part of the push for renewable energy. I also think it would be interesting to see how capitalism has intersected with renewable energy, in terms of how we discuss its benefits. In other words, yes, prices for solar and wind might not be as competitive as oil yet, but aren’t there other, moral reasons to choose renewable energy over fossil fuels?

    However, I get that in this short presentation, it’s next to impossible to address every angle. As a whole, I thought you did a great job and produced a really interesting and informative slidecast!

  2. This is good stuff Nia! I loved the way you used even just a few seconds of music in your introduction and conclusion. It really added some life to your presentation and certainly got my attention.

    You used informative and relevant infographics throughout this project, and I think they really added to the points you were trying to make. The graph at 0:35 was particularly powerful given that I doubt much of your audience knew that renewable energy had actually been decreasing globally for a century or so before the modern environmentalist movement. I certainly didn’t.

    From a technical standpoint, I would recommend that you use higher-resolution images in future projects like this. As the camera zoomed in, some images looked pixelated and distracted from your points. I would also be careful not to move the camera such that your audience cannot see important information in infographics and pictures.

    Your example of the rebuilt CIS tower in Manchester was a really nice inclusion. I felt like it accurately demonstrated the impact of renewable energy on other industries like construction, as well as providing potential future implications. Overall, solid work!

  3. Hi Nia! I really like your slidecast, it does a great job of putting the concerns of environmental issues into context today, and why renewable energy is such an important topic we should be talking about. I like how you give a background on the growing concern of our carbon footprint from both a habitat/natural point of view as well as a technological one. I also thought your section on more recent developments in the renewable energy industry (such as algae and reusing biomass) was really cool and interesting, as I didn’t know a lot behind harnessing algae for energy.

    Your presentation might have benefitted from looking into a more historical viewpoint, maybe going back a couple decades or so? It could have been cool to see the shift from using non-renewable sources such as fossil fuels to the growing movement around renewable energy we see today. What comes to my mind is from the talk we attended (Climate Change Paradox in the USA), and how energy produced from wind and water are the most efficient forms of energy now which have replaced coal and nuclear power. However, I think your approach is really comprehensive, and enforces the importance of renewable energy in today’s world. Great job!

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