3 Replies to “Future City, 1923 (Chang)”

  1. Hi Kelsea, great stuff! What stood out to me in this presentation was your excellent imagery, and how well you utilized those images to strengthen the points you were trying to make. The image on screen was almost always directly relevant to what you were saying in the voiceover. I loved how you highlighted certain aspects of the central image as you were talking about them, that worked well for me. Transitions between your slides could improve your slidecast’s visual flow, but overall I think your visuals were really strong.

    Your section on open-air schools was eye-opening for me, and it was interesting to view the city of the future through a context not discussed in class. I also really appreciated the connection you made between a growing wealth gap in 2018 and the height gap on display in Cloud Atlas; that’s a great comparison and extremely relevant.

    Your conclusion was strong as well. You brought back the central image and tied back to the central points of your presentation. I’m sure your final assignment will be well-received!

  2. Hey Kelsea! No surprise, but this is a great presentation! I really like the concept and I think you did a great job with it. I had no idea that any of these architectural innovations happened because of outbreaks of disease, but you made that clear and I think that’s fascinating. Furthermore, I think it’s interesting that the idea of the flying, futuristic car was going to happen in 1973, when I have heard so much that “the year 2000” was what people typically understood to mean “the future.”
    I also think you did a really good job both aesthetically and from an organization perspective by physically highlighting different areas of the picture that were relevant to your specific discussion at that time. It kept me focused on what you were talking about and made your point very clear.
    You also did an excellent job connecting it to the present. Your talking about the division between social classes and the wealth gap was dead on and very interesting. Great job!

  3. Kelsea, job well done. This was an extremely informative podcast that packed in a lot of information. You provided a lot of cool pictures, my favorite image being the school in New York City in 1911 overlooking the Brooklyn Bridge. I thought this showed an open air school at its finest and is something I could not imagine seeing, albeit in my presentist mindset. Also, just as a side note, this picture was an amazing photo of New York City I have never seen before. I liked how you used certain features of the original picture as the topics you would frame your talk around. I thought this was seen well in your topic of “upward expansion” as you noted the influx of cars created crowded roads and the “only solution” in cramped spaces was to build upwards. Overall, I thought you did an excellent job throughout the whole project. The only advice I have is since you have so much data, the audio quality can be a concern as since you are packing so much information in, it is important for the audience to hear everything clearly. Sometimes I had a problem catching a couple words due to the sound quality but I know I also had the same problem with my slidecast.

  4. This topic was very interesting. I especially liked the part about open air schools. I had never heard of that idea before, as they aren’t very common today.

    Additionally, your analysis of the images throughout the presentation was very strong. There are a lot of details in many of the images, and your use of graphics to label what you were referring to was helpful.

    If there was one area for improvement, I would have maybe narrowed the scope a bit. That way, you could dive deeper into a certain aspect of a city.

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