News Blog

Rho is Back in Business!

After a nice summer away from Lafayette, the Brothers of Delta Kappa Epsilon have returned to school, waist-deep in work, but loving it!

Over the summer, the school renovated our house with great new furniture and nicely painted walls. The exterior of the house got a face-lift, too, with freshly painted columns and a new main door. We’ve been in contact with our alumni association, which plans to fund other interior renovations, also.

Several officers of DKE changed at the first chapter meeting of this semester. The House Assistant (Greek equivalent of an RA) is now Matt Alpert. We have two new House Managers, Ben Paro and Billy McCarrick, both of whom will certainly keep our house in proper order. The position of Historian has been passed down to Ryan Kavulich, who has been cleaning out our library and preserving the documents that have accumulated there. Our new Recording Secretary is Conrad Shrager. We also have a new Director of Service and Philanthropy, Jared Piette, who is also serving as the chapter’s COMPASS chair.

After a successful two weeks of recruitment, DKE is also proud to announce that we have over a score of new members. Everyone, even those not in DKE, is shocked and amazed at the quality and quantity of new members we have. We look forward to initiating this great group of boys into our Brotherhood!

Also worthy of a shout-out are our brothers currently overseas. Greg Baldwin and Will Stern are both studying at the University of Glasgow in Scotland. Mike McCulloch is in Rome, Italy for the semester. Lastly, Andrew Citron is in Switzerland. Good luck, boys. We’ll see you when you return!

So there we have it! We’ll keep this blog current so that others can stay up to date on all that’s going on here at Rho. For now, Viva La D.K.E.!

Congrats DKE Rho Class of 2010!

From the new juniors and seniors of Delta Kappa Epsilon at Lafayette, congratulations to our recent graduates! We wish the best of luck to our twelve brothers who graduated this spring!

Name Hometown Major
Michael Bellantoni Kinnelon, NJ Economics & Business, Spanish
Michael Cesaro Burlington, CT Mathematics & Economics
Peter Crouse Media, PA Mechanical Engineering, International Affairs
William Engel Wayland, MA Economics & Business
Bradley Helland Media, PA Electrical and Computer Engineering
Brian Hu Brooklyn, NY English
Jonathan Jaye Oakland, NJ Chemical Engineering
Joshua Kambour Niskayuna, NY Philosophy
Jason Siegel Purchase, NY Mechanical Engineering
Ryan Simmons Barrington, RI Science Journalism
Ezra Tischler West Chester, PA English
Christopher Tourek Pittsburgh, PA Government & Law

The New DKE Rho Site is Up and Running!

Hey everyone, DKE Rho is excited to announce that the new website is up and running! Here you’ll find tons of information on everything from recruitment to the history of our chapter. Come back to this page from time to time to find news about what DKE Rho has been doing this semester. If you have any questions feel free to contact me (Jared Piette) or any other member of the brotherhood (an email list is accessible from the roster page)!