Dekes Abroad!

Dekes have always been known for their adventurous spirits. Whether it was Allan Bean going to the moon or Robert E. Peary claiming the North Pole, a lust for bold new endeavors is a common Deke trait.  With that in mind it is not surprising that eight brothers of the Rho Chapter have elected to spend the spring semester of 2012 abroad.  Brothers Szklanny, Brandt, Greene, Dietz, Deir, McGuigan, Eckelmann and Schwartz will be missed here in Easton, but we certainly wish them the best in their respective destinations.

Brothers Brandt, Greene, McGuigan and Schwartz have chosen to study abroad in London, England.  They are studying at the University of Westminster in center of London.  At the same time they intend to use Europe’s vast cultural diversity to their advantage as the will be traveling to places like The Netherlands, Italy, France, Spain, Germany and Belgium.

Brothers Eckelmann and Szklanny are currently studying in Rome, Italy.  Interestingly enough they both have prominent internships while abroad.  Brother Szklanny will be working for the Italian Parliament and Brother Eckelmann will be working for an international law firm.

David Eckelmann at the National Monument to Victor Emmanuel

Brothers Deitz and Deir are studying in New Zealand and Bremen, Germany respectively.

Let us wish our fellow brothers safe and joyous travels!

11 thoughts on “Dekes Abroad!

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  4. “Wow, it sounds like an incredible adventure for the brothers abroad! Wishing Szklanny, Brandt, Greene, Dietz, Deir, McGuigan, Eckelmann, and Schwartz all the best in their endeavors across London and Rome. Studying in such culturally rich environments and pursuing internships at prestigious institutions will undoubtedly be transformative experiences. Safe travels and make the most of this exciting opportunity!”

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