Curriculum Vitae
Paul D. Barclay
Professor, Department of History, Lafayette College, 2017-present.
Head, Department of History, Lafayette College, 2018-2022.
Visiting Foreign Scholar, Center for Integrated Areas Studies, Kyoto University, 2015.
Chair, Asian Studies Program, Lafayette College, 2014-2019.
Visiting Researcher, Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica, 2014.
Associate Professor, Department of History, Lafayette College, 2006-2017.
Assistant Professor, Department of History, Lafayette College, 1999-2006.
Ph.D., History, University of Minnesota, July, 1999.
M.A., History, University of Minnesota, 1996.
B.S., History, Secondary Education, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1992.
“Japanese and American Colonial Projects: Anthropological Typification in Taiwan and the Philippines.” University of Minnesota, July, 1999. Co-Advisors: Byron K. Marshall and David W. Noble.
Kondo the Barbarian: A Japanese Adventurer and Indigenous Taiwan’s Bloodiest Uprising. Manchester: Eastbridge Books, 2023.
Yao Chia-ning 堯嘉寧, translator. 帝國棄民 日本在臺灣「蕃界」内的統治 Dìguó qìmín: Rìběn zài Táiwān `fānjiè’ nèi de tǒngzhì [expanded and translated edition of: Outcasts of Empire: Japan’s Rule on Taiwan’s “Savage Border,” 1874-1895]. Taipei: National Taiwan University Press, 2020.
Outcasts of Empire: Japan’s Rule on Taiwan’s “Savage Border,” 1874-1945. Asia Pacific Modern #16. Oakland: University of California Press, 2018 (digital, 2017).
- Short list International Convention of Asia Scholars (ICAS) 2019 Book Prize
“Imperial Japan’s Forever War, 1895-1945.” Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, vol. 19, no. 18 (September 15, 2021):
Corporal Punishment in Early-Twentieth-Century Japanese Visual Culture. Trans Asia Photography Review 6, no. 2 (Spring 2016).
The Relics of Modern Japan’s First Foreign War in Colonial and Post-Colonial Taiwan, 1874-2015. Cross-Currents: East Asia History and Culture Review 17 (December 2015): 131-138.
戦前のメディアに使用された森丑之助の台湾原住民「屈尺蕃」写真–博覧会、新聞、教科書、絵葉書、雑誌での使用例の検討 (The Uses of Mori Ushinosuke’s Taiwan Indigenous “Kusshaku Tribe” Photographs in Prewar Expositions and Print Media).『台湾原住民研究』 (Studies on Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan) 19 (2015): 47-75.
Peddling Postcards and Selling Empire: Image-Making in Taiwan under Japanese Colonial Rule. Japanese Studies 30,1 (May 2010): 81-110.
- Republished as chapter 11 of: Japanese Art Volume 3: Critical and Primary Sources, Morgan Pitelka, ed. London: Bloomsbury, 2018.
「日本通」の目を通して見た台湾:太平洋戦争直前にアメリカ領事館が収集していた絵葉書と写真 (Formosa through the Consul’s Eyes: Postcards from a ‘Japan hand’ on the Eve of the Pacific War.’ Trans. Naoko Ikegami. 『台湾原住民研究』 (Studies on Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan) 12 (2008): 85-112.
Contending Centers of Calculation in Colonial Taiwan: The Rhetorics of Vindicationism and Privation in Japan’s “Aborigine Policy.” Humanities Research XIV no. 1 (2007): 67-84.
Cultural Brokerage and Interethnic Marriage in Colonial Taiwan: Japanese Subalterns and Their Aborigine Wives, 1895-1930. Journal of Asian Studies 64, no.2 (May 2005): 323-360.
- Republished as chapter 8 of: Hapa Japan: History (Volume 1), Duncan Williams, ed. Los Angeles: Kaya Press / Ito Center Editions, 2017. pp. 153-188.
蕃産交易所に於ける「蕃地」の商業化と秩序化 (Profits as Contagion, Production as Progress: Trading Posts, Tribute, and Feasting in the History of Japanese-Formosan Relations, 1895-1917). 『台湾原住民研究』(Studies on Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan) 9 (2005): 70-109.
「生蕃近藤」の物語:中央山脈横断に命を懸けた日本人の小伝 (The Saga of ‘Kondo the Barbarian’: A Japanese Life Spent Crossing Taiwan’s Central Mountains). 『台湾原住民研究』 (Studies on Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan) 8 (2004): 105-151.
アジアにおける民族分布図の発展をめぐって──台湾と呂宋の「先駆」人類学を中心に(Creating Tribal Taxonomies in Asia: The Pioneers of Taiwan and Luzon Anthropology). 『台湾原住民研究』(Studies on Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan) 7 (2003): 174-197.
‘Gaining Trust and Friendship’ in Aborigine Country: Diplomacy, Drinking, and Debauchery on Japan’s Southern Frontier. Social Science Japan Journal 6,1 (April 2003): 77-96.
A ‘Curious and Grim Testimony to a Persistent Human Blindness’: Wolf-Bounties in North America, 1630-1752. Ethics, Place, Environment 5,1 (May 2002): 25-34.
An Historian Among the Anthropologists: The Inō Kanori Revival and the Legacy of Japanese Colonial Ethnography in Taiwan. Japanese Studies 21, 2 (September 2001): 117-136.
“The Musha Incident and the History of Tgdaya-Japanese Relations.” In The Musha Incident: A Reader on the Indigenous Uprising in Colonial Taiwan, edited by Michael Berry, 45-74. New York: Columbia University Press, 2022.
“Fascism Carved in Stone: Monuments to Loyal Spirits in Wartime Manchukuo.” In Visualizing Fascism: The Twentieth-Century Rise of the Global Right, pp. 44-68. Edited by Julia Adeney Thomas and Geoff Eley. Durham: Duke University Press, 2020.
“Wùshè shìjiàn yǔ Dégùdáyǎ hé rìběn de guānxì shǐ” (The Musha Incident and the History of Tgdaya-Japanese Relations). In Wùshè shìjiàn: Lìshǐ hé wénhuà dúběn (The Musha Incident: A Reader). Edited by Michael Berry. Taipei: Rye Field Press, 2020. pp. 68-127.
Playing the Race Card in Japanese Governed Taiwan, or: Anthropometric Photographs as “Shape-Shifting Jokers.” In The Affect of Difference: Representations of Race in East Asian Empire, pp. 38-80. Edited by Christopher Hanscom and Dennis Washburn. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2016.
Tangled up in Red: Textiles, Trading Posts and the Emergence of Indigenous Modernity in Japanese Taiwan. In Japanese Taiwan: Colonial Rule and its Contested Legacy, pp. 49-74. Edited by Andrew Morris. London and New York: Bloomsbury Press, 2015.
‘They Have for the Coast Dwellers a Traditional Hatred’: Governing Igorots in Northern Luzon and Central Taiwan, 1895-1915. In The American Colonial State in the Philippines: Global Perspectives, pp. 217-255. Edited by Julian Go and Anne Foster. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2003.
East Asia Image Collection, General Editor.
An open-access archive of 7,152 digitized photographs, negatives, postcards, rare books and slides, produced and maintained in partnership with staff at Digital Scholarship Services and Special Collections & College Archives.
“The East Asia Image Collection.” In The New Nanzan Guide to Japanese Religions, edited by McMullen, Matthew D. and Jolyon Baraka Thomas, 505-509. University of Hawai’i Press, 2025.
“Japanese Empire in Taiwan.” In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Asian History. Oxford University Press. Article published June 2020. [article length]
“The Aborigine District (Fandi/Fanjie)”; “Five-Year Plan to Control the Taiwan Indigenous Peoples, 1910-1914.” Brill Encyclopedia of Taiwan Studies (forthcoming)
Lafayette College Faculty Research Grant, 2024.
The Mary Louise VanArtsdalen Prize for Exceptional Scholarly Contributions, 2024.
Lafayette College Academic Advisor of the Year, 2020.
Shortlist, International Convention of Asia Scholars 2019 Book Prize.
Yale University Council on East Asian Studies Associate-in-Research, 2019–
Richard King Mellon Research Fellowship, 2019.
Harvard-Yenching Library Travel Grant, 2018.
Visiting Foreign Scholar, Center for Integrated Areas Studies, Kyoto University, 2015.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Taiwan Fellowship, 2014.
Visiting Researcher, Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica, 2014.
Marquis Distinguished Teaching Award, 2014.
Lafayette College Summer Research Stipend, 2010.
National Endowment for the Humanities Sabbatical Year Fellowship, 2007-08.
Thomas Roy and Lura Forrest Jones Lecture Award, Lafayette College, 2006.
Harvard-Yenching Library Travel Grant, 2005.
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation/Lafayette College “Communities of Scholars” Grant: The Imperialism Project 2004-2007.
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Post-Doctoral Research Grant 2002-2003.
American Council of Learned Societies Library of Congress Research Grant 2003 (Declined).
National Endowment for the Humanities Seminar, “Modernity, Early Modernity and Post-Modernity in Japan,” USC, 15 June-21 July, 2002.
Social Science Research Council Japan Program Grant for Advanced Research, 2000.
Lafayette College Richard King Mellon Foundation Faculty Research Grant, 2000, 2005, 2006.
University of Minnesota Graduate School Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, 1997-98.
University of Minnesota Graduate School Grant for Research Abroad, Summer 1997.
MacArthur International Predissertation Fieldwork Grant, Summer 1997.
Foreign Language and Area Studies Grant, 1995-96.
Foreign Language and Area Studies Grant, Summer 1995.
University of Minnesota Departmental Fellowship, 1993-94.
University of Wisconsin Hilldale Foundation Undergraduate Research, Summer 1992.
University of Wisconsin Undergraduate History Essay Prize, 1991-92.
Rev. of Yao-Chang Chen, Puppet Flower. The American Historical Review 129, no. 3 (September 2024): 1026-1029.
Rev. of Jonathan Clements, Japan at War in the Pacific: The Rise and Fall of the Japanese Empire in Asia 1868-1945. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Series 3, no. 34 (2024): 477-480.
Rev. of Seiji Shirane, Imperial Gateway: Colonial Taiwan and Japan’s Expansion in South China and Southeast Asia, 1895-1945. Journal of Japanese Studies 50, no. 1 (2024): 202-207.
Rev. of Chia-Yuan Huang, Daniel Davies and Dafydd Fell (eds.), Taiwan’s Contemporary Indigenous Peoples. International Journal of Taiwan Studies 7, no. 1 (2024): 205-208.
Rev. of Mark W. Driscoll, The Whites are the Enemies of Heaven: Climate Caucasianism and Asian Ecological Protection. Journal of Japanese Studies 49:1 (2023): 251-256.
Rev. of Evan N. Dawley, Becoming Taiwanese: Ethnogenesis in a Colonial City, 1880s-1950s, American Historical Review 126, vol. 2 (June 2021): 775-776.
Rev. of Kirsten L. Ziomek, Lost Histories: Recovering the Lives of Japan’s Colonial Peoples, Journal of World History 31, no. 3 (September 2020): 647-650.
Rev. of Miriam Kingsberg Kadia, Into the Field: Human Scientists of Transwar Japan. H-Asia, H-Net Reviews. November, 2020.
“A Cautionary Tale for Nation-Builders.” Rev. of Reo Matsuzaki, Statebuilding by Imposition: Resistance and Control in Colonial Taiwan and the Philippines, Diplomatic History 44, no. 4, (September 2020): 719–722. May 5, 2020.
Rev. of Hiroko Matsuda, Liminality of the Japanese Empire: Border Crossings from Okinawa to Colonial Taiwan, Japanese Studies 40, no. 1 (2020): 99-101.
Rev. of Oguma Eiji, Return from Siberia: A Japanese Life in War and Peace, Journal of Japanese Studies 46, no.1 (2020): 205-209.
Rev. of Robert Oppenheim, An Asian Frontier: American Anthropology and Korea, 1882–1945, Pacific Affairs 91, No. 4 (December 2018): 816-818.
Rev. of Monica Bohm-Duchen, Art and the Second World War, Japanese Studies 34, no. 2 (2014): 241-243.
Rev. of Jun Uchida, Brokers of Empire: Japanese Settler Colonialism in Korea, 1876-1945, Journal of Social History 46, no. 4 (Summer 2013): 1083-85.
Rev. of Rosalind Morris, ed., Photographies East: The Camera and Its Histories in East and Southeast Asia, Visual Resources 26, no. 4 (December 2010): 367-372.
Rev. of Hui-yu Caroline Tsai, Taiwan in Japan’s Empire Building: An Institutional Approach to Colonial Engineering, Pacific Affairs 83, no. 1 (March 2010):164-66.
Rev. of Alistair Swale, The Political Thought of Mori Arinori: A Study in Meiji Conservatism, Social Science Japan Journal 8, no. 2 (October 2005): 284-287.
Rev. of Lo, Ming-cheng M., Doctors within Borders: Profession, Ethnicity, and Modernity in Colonial Taiwan, Metascience 14, no. 1 (March 2005): 98-102.
Journal Review: “Taiwan Genjūmin Kenkyū.” The Chinese Historical Review 12, no. 1 (Spring 2005): 140-146.
Rev. of Leo T. S. Ching, Becoming ‘Japanese’: Colonial Taiwan and the Politics of Identity Formation, International History Review 24, no. 4 (December 2002): 906-908.
Rev. of Willem Van Schendel and Henk Schulte Nordholt, eds., Time Matters: Global and Local Time in Asian Societies, Journal of Asian Studies 60, no. 4 (November 2001): 1142-1144.
Rev. of Laura Hein and Mark Selden, eds., Censoring History: Citizenship and Memory in Japan, Germany, and the United States, H-World, H-Net Reviews, April, 2001.
Rev. of Wang Tay-sheng, Legal Reform in Taiwan under Japanese Colonial Rule, 1895-1945: The Reception of Western Law, Journal of Asian Studies 60, no. 1 (February 2001): 157-159.
Rev. of Jan van Bremen and Akitoshi Shimizu, eds, Anthropology and Colonialism in Asia and Oceania, H-Asia, H-Net Reviews, May, 2000.
“Lafayette Professors Team Up to Create Digital Map of Historic Easton Cemetery.” Story by Priscilla Liguori, WFMZ 69 News, January 26, 2024.
“Kondo the Barbarian: A Japanese Adventurer and Indigenous Taiwan’s Bloodiest Uprising.” Podcast for New Books Network, hosted by Ran Zwigenberg. January 17, 2024.
NHK (Japanese Public Broadcasting System) Television News. Interview about postcards held in East Asia Image Collection, aired on NHK (Japanese Public Broadcasting) on December 20, 2023, as 太平洋戦争で出征の家族へ 終戦直後のはがき約400通 米で保管 (“Some 400 Postcards Sent to Families of the Deployed Just After War’s End are Stored in America”).
University of Minnesota College of Letters and Arts Book Club. Book Talk with Professor Hiromi Mizuno. Kondo the Barbarian: A Japanese Adventurer and Indigenous Taiwan’s Bloodiest Uprising. November 15, 2023.
“In Conversation with Dr. Paul Barclay of the Historic Easton Cemetery.” Hosted by Sarah White. Northampton County Historical and Genealogical Society. June 1, 2023.
“Unburying the Past.” Lehigh Valley Live. May 7, 2023.
“Japan’s Rule on Taiwan’s ‘Savage’ Border.” Podcast What is Asia? Hosted by Nakota DiFonzo. February 6, 2023.
“Outcasts of Empire.” Podcast New Books Network. Hosted by Shatrunjay Mall. November 22, 2022.
Podcast of Interview with “Meiji at 150” host Tristan Grunow:
“Open in order to . . . . Author Paul Barclay Explains Why He Published with Luminos.” University of California Press Blog. October 28, 2017.
Shokuminchi Taiwan o utsusu Nihon no eghagaki gaiyō, 1900-1945 (Colonial Taiwan as Reflected in Japanese Picture Postcards: An Overview, 1900-1945), in Ehagaki ni miru Nihon to Chūgoku: The Rupnow Collection, 1894-1945. Kyoto: Ritsumeikan University Peace Museum, 2016. pp. 42-46.
Review of Skillman Library Special Collections, Lafayette College, The East Asia Image Collection, Dissertation Reviews. November 26, 2012.
Peer Review and the Liberal Arts Classroom. Perspectives: The Newsmagazine of the American Historical Association 45, no. 6 (September 2007): 51-52.
Propaganda or Documentary? The Shōwa Emperor and ‘Know Your Enemy: Japan’. Education About Asia 7, no. 2 (Fall 2002): 31-38.
TRANSLATIONS [Japanese to English]
“Yasukuni’s Mass Enshrinement Lists.” Grassroots Operations of the Japanese Empire: Translated Primary Sources for Teaching Purposes. Directed by Sayaka Chatani, National University of Singapore. March 29, 2021.
Shiode Hiroyuki, “Nation or Colony? The Political Belonging of the Japanese in Karafuto,” trans. Paul D. Barclay, Social Science Japan Journal 12, no. 1 (Summer 2009):101-119.
Nakao Katsumi, “Shared Abodes, Disparate Visions: Japanese Anthropology during the Allied Occupation,” trans. Paul D. Barclay, Social Science Japan Journal 10, no. 2 (October 2007):175-196.
Matsuda Kyōko, “Inō Kanori’s ‘History’ of Taiwan: Colonial Ethnology, the Civilizing Mission and Struggles for Survival in East Asia,” trans. Paul D. Barclay, History and Anthropology 14, no. 2 (2003):179-196.
The ‘Modern Marco Polo’ Visits a Colonial Police State: Harrison Forman and Government Public Relations in Japanese Ruled Taiwan. Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Taiwan Studies: Taiwan under Japanese Rule: Cultural Translation and Colonial Modernity. pp. 139-152. University of California, Santa Barbara, 2011.
One Market under God: The Death of the East Asian Political Imaginary in Colonial Taiwan. Research on Taiwan in the United States and New Research in Taiwanese History (2) at the 2007 Annual Meeting of the Lin Benyuan Cultural Education Foundation. Nankang: Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica, 2007.
Abstract Thought as the Lowest Common Denominator: What Early Japanese Travel Narratives to Taiwan’s Interior can Teach Us. Hitotsubashi University. Nihon Taiwan Gakkai dai Hakkai Gakujutsu Taikai Hokokusha Ronbunshu (Proceedings of the Eight Annual Meeting of the Japan Association for Taiwan Studies), June 3, 2006. pp. 80-89.
Profits as Contagion, Production as Progress: Trading Posts, Tribute, and Feasting in the History of Japanese-Formosan Relations, 1895-1917. International Symposium: Studies on Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan: Retrospect and Prospect in Japan and Taiwan. Tokyo: Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. March 26-27, 2005. pp. L1-L36.
Nihonjin shokuminchisha to genjūmin no koryū mondai: Taiwan no ‘Bankai’ ni okeru tsūji to tsūyaku o megutte. (The Problem of Communications between Japanese Colonists and Aborigines: The Interpreters and Translators on Taiwan’s ‘Savage Border’). 21 seiki COE Puroguramu ‘Gulorabaruka jidai no tagenteki jinbungaku no kyoten keisei. (Facing the New Liberal Arts: ‘Multiple Points of Origin and Crystallization in Humanitistic Study in the Era of Globalization). Kyoto: Kyoto University Graduate School of Humanities, 2003. pp. 85-95.
“Rewarding, Unrewarding, and Re-rewarding Combatants: The Curious History of Imperial Japanese Military Decorations, 1895-1967.” Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies, Seattle, WA. March 14-18, 2024.
“Japan’s Multiple Wars of Counterinsurgency in Colonial Taiwan,1895-1931” at Association for Asian Studies in Asia Conference, Daegu, South Korea. June 24, 2023.
“Taiwan Indigenous Combatants, Merit Bonuses, and Ethnic Soldiering in the Japanese Empire. ”中央研究院台灣史研究所 111年度【第五屆「族群、歷史與地域社會」學術研討會】Academia Sinica Institute of Taiwan History, The 5th Academic Symposium on “Ethnicity, History and Regional Society.” September 15, 2022.
Disarming the ‘Savage’: Headhunters, Soldiers, and Warriors in Japanese Colonial Photography of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples. Photography and Taiwan: History and Practice (Zoom). Arizona State University, April 8, 2022.
The Warrior Ethos and Indigenous Identity in Taiwan under Japanese Colonial Rule. Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies. Honolulu, Hawai’i, March 26, 2022.
Organizer: “Reassessing Modern Japanese Military History as Method and Framework” panel at the Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies, March 21-25, 2021. “The Bureau of Merit and Award, the Forgotten Battles of Imperial Japan, and the Forever War.” Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies, March 25, 2020.
The Legacy of “Quasi-Sovereignty” under Japanese Colonial Rule for Taiwan Indigenous Peoples. Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting. Denver, CO. March 23, 2019.
Ethnic Icons, Autochthony and Movement in Imperial Japan, 1903–1945. Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting. Washington DC. March 24, 2018.
Picture Postcards of Imperial Japan’s Peoples and Places, 1903–1945. American Historical Association Annual Meeting. Washington, DC. Friday January 5, 2018
Fascism Carved in Stone: Monuments to Loyal Spirits in Wartime Manchukuo and Taiwan. ICAS 10 (Tenth International Convention of Asia Scholars). Chiang Mai, Thailand. July 20-23, 2017.
(with Joanne Bernardi). Archives in Between: Digital Humanities and Material Culture in East Asian Studies Scholarship and Teaching. Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. March 19th, 2017.
“Racing for Empire” in Colonial Taiwan: Mobilizing Indigenous Peoples for War, 1895-1945. 2d Association for Asian Studies in Asia Conference. Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. June 22, 2015.
Keynote address: The Birth of “Primitive Society” in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction: Picture Postcards, Ethnogenesis, and Indigenous Peoples under Japanese Colonial Rule. 第七回台日原住民族研究フォーラム [The Seventh Japan-Taiwan Forum for Indigenous Studies]. National Chengchi University, Taipei. October 12, 2014.
Playing the Race Card in Japanese Governed Taiwan – Anthropometric Photographs as ‘Shape-Shifting Jokers.’ 14th European Association of Japanese Studies Conference. University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia. August 27-30, 2014.
The Geobody within a Geobody: Kappanzan in the Making of Indigenous Taiwan, 1895-1940. Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference, San Diego CA, March 21-24, 2013.
Ethnic Tourism, Wartime Surveillance and Public Relations: The Taiwan Photography of Harrison Forman. Asian Studies Conference Japan. International Christian University, Tokyo. June 25-26, 2011.
The Empires of Japan: Postcards as Sources of History. Visualizing Asia in the Modern World: A Conference on Image-Driven Scholarship. Harvard University. Cambridge, MA. May 20-21, 2011.
When a Thousand Words aren’t Worth a Single Picture: Harrison Forman, The China War and Propaganda by Misdirection. Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies. Honolulu, Hawaii. April 1, 2011.
Redefining China’s Outer Limits: Colonial Photography on China’s Sino-Japanese Frontier, 1890-1945. Borderlands in Eurasia and the Americas: Comparisons and Interactions. Institute for Advanced Study, University of Minnesota. August 17-20, 2010.
The Travels of “Marco Polo” in Colonial Taiwan: Harrison Forman and the Japanese Police State, ca. 1938. UCSB International Conference on Taiwan Studies: Taiwan under Japanese Rule: Cultural Translation and Colonial Modernity. June 4-5, 2010. Santa Barbara, CA.
Discussant, Session 133, “Japan-Taiwan Relations Before Empire.” Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, Philadelphia, PA. March 25-28, 2010.
“Redefining China’s Outer Limits: Colonial Photography on Taiwan’s Sino-Japanese Frontier, 1895-1940.” The Role of Photography in Shaping China’s Image, 1860-1945. Northwestern University April 24-25, 2009.
The Production and Circulation of Ethnographic Photographs in Taiwan under Japanese Colonial Rule. Comparative Perspectives on Colonialism and Culture, Sept 5-6 2008, Taipei, Taiwan.
(with Eric Luhrs) “Maximizing Digitization Efforts at Liberal Arts Colleges.” NITLE workshop, Scholarly Collaboration and Small Colleges in the Digital Age. January 10-12, 2008, Pamona College, Claremont, CA.
One Market under God: The Death of the East Asian Political Topographical Imagination in Colonial Taiwan. Institute for Modern History, Academia Sinica. Taipei, Taiwan, December 7, 2007.
Meiji Colonial Ethnography and the “East Asian Modern” in Taiwan. 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, Boston, MA. March 22-25, 2007.
Peer Review and the Liberal Arts Classroom. 121st Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association, Atlanta Georgia, January 4, 2007.
Abstract Thought as the Lowest Common Denominator: What Early Japanese Travel Narratives to Taiwan’s Interior can Teach Us. Hitotsubashi University. The Eight Annual Meeting of the Japan Association for Taiwan Studies, Tokyo, Japan, June 3, 2006.
Trade Restrictions along Ethnic Lines in Colonial Upland Taiwan, ca. 1895-1905. 18th Conference of the International Association of Historians of Asia. Taibei, Taiwan. December 6-10, 2004.
Commerce as Contagion and Uplift: Trade Restrictions along Ethnic Lines in Colonial Upland Taiwan, ca. 1895-1930. 21st Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association. Chicago, Illinois. November 21, 2004.
Nihonjin shokuminchisha to genjūmin no kōryū mondai: Taiwan no ‘bankai’ ni okeru tsūji o megutte (The Japanese-Aborigine Communication Problem: On the Intermediaries and Interpreters on Taiwan’s ‘Savage Border’). Higashi Azia ni okeru kokusai chitsujo to kōryū no rekishiteki kenkyū dai san kai (Third Meeting of the Research Group for the History of the East Asian International Order and Relations). Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. June 21, 2003.[in Japanese]
“The Policy Science that Failed? Meiji Anthropologists in Colonial Taiwan.” Anthropology of Japan in Japan Fall Meeting. November 2, 2002. Jōshi University, Tokyo, Japan.
“The Ethnologist as Entomologist: Academic Modernity and its Discontents in Teshigahara Hiromi’s Suna no Onna.” NEH Institute, “Modernity, Early Modernity, and Post-Modernity in Japan.” University of Southern California, July 16, 2002.
“From Diplomacy to Debauchery: The Anthropology of Aborigine Drinking in Colonial Taiwan, 1873-1935.” Japan Anthropology Workshop. Yale University, May 10-12, 2002.
“The Taiwanese “Banfu” in Imperial Japan: Bi-Cultural Interpreters, Marriage Alliances, and Sexual Slavery in the Tribal Zone.” Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, April 4-7, 2002.
“’Kenpai Jiken’: Drinking, Feasting, and Border Control on Japan’s East Asian Frontier, 1874-1930.” Mid-Atlantic Region Association for Asian Studies Conference, Slippery Rock University, PA, October 26-28, 2001.
“‘Time and the Other’: Inō Kanori, Formosan Plain Aborigines and Colonial Narrative.” International Conference on Formosan Plain Aborigines, Academia Sinica, Taibei, Taiwan, October 23-25, 2000.
“A Tale of Two Anthropologists: Inō Kanori and Torii Ryūzō in Taiwan.” Association of Asian Studies Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 10-12, 2000.
“Japan’s Secular Crusade against Headhunting in Colonial Taiwan.” Mid-Atlantic Region Association of Asian Studies Annual Conference, Gettysburg, PA, October 29-31, 1999.
“Imperial Japan and the Taiwanese Aborigines, 1874-1945: Japan’s Integration and Assimilation Policies.” American Historical Association Conference, Washington, D.C., January 7-10, 1999.
“New Empires and Aboriginal Peoples: Comparative Approaches to Japanese and US Tropical Imperialism in the 20th Century, Taiwan and the Philippines.” Midwest Conference on East Asian History and Culture, Columbus, Ohio, May 11-12, 1996.
“The Forgotten Battles of Imperial Japan,” Princeton University Department of East Asian Studies. October 30, 2024.
“Indigenous People in Taiwan, Past and Present.” Martindale Center, Lehigh University, April 2, 2024.
Book Talk: Kondo the Barbarian: A Japanese Adventurer and Indigenous Taiwan’s Bloodiest Uprising. Pennsylvania State University. February 6, 2024.
Book Talk: Kondo the Barbarian: A Japanese Adventurer and Indigenous Taiwan’s Bloodiest Uprising. University of Minnesota College of Letters and Arts Book Club (zoom). November 15, 2023.
Keynote Lecture. “The East Asia Image Collection is Still Going Strong: A Subject Specialist’s Reflections on Digital Repositories as Sites for Collaborative Scholarship and Knowledge Production.” Samvera Connect Conference. Philadelphia, PA. October 24, 2023.
“Japanese Imperial Postcards and the Limits of Photography.” Panel at ApexArt Gallery, with Eimi Tagore-Erwin, Asato Ikeda and Chinghsing Wu, on “Postcolonial Reception of Wartime Japanese Propaganda Images.” New York, NY, May 3, 2023.
Outcasts of Empire: Japanese Rule on Taiwan’s “Savage Border,” 1874-1895. (In person) Lecture at the University of Tennessee, Chattanooga. September 29, 2022.
Imperial Japan’s Forever War, 1895-1945. Modern Japan Seminar. Columbia University. April 6, 2022.
Imperial Japan’s Forever War, 1895-1945. Participant and speaker in workshop: Justice Without Mercy. Freie Universität Berlin. January 28-29, 2022.
Imperial Japan’s Forever War, 1895-1945. Hebrew University of Jerusalem Faculty Seminar Asian Studies. January 5, 2022.
Rethinking Imperial Wartime: Anti-Colonial Insurgency in Taiwan as Japanese Military History. U. California Santa Barbara Taiwan Studies Group, April 20, 2021.
Panelist on public forum “Savage Border of the Empire and Outcasts of the Ocean.” Tsinghua University, Beijing, December 12, 2020.
Lecture on book Outcasts of Empire at USC East Asian Studies Center Forum for New Books on Modern Japanese History, March 5, 2020.
Needs and Opportunities for Historical Research in Prewar Japanese Postcards: The Case for Institutional Cooperation and Digital Archiving. Harvard University Yenching Library. May 14, 2019.
Mona Rudo and the Brothers Kondō: The Musha Incident in the History of Tgdaya-Japanese Relations, 1895-1930. Japan + Korea Study Group. Georgetown University, April 26, 2019.
Outcasts of Empire: Japan’s Rule on Taiwan’s “Savage Border” 1874-1945. University of Washington, April 11, 2019.
Where Do Indigenous Peoples Come From? A Historian’s View. Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, Taiwan Studies Program, University of Washington, Taiwan Studies Program, April 10, 2019
At the Geographic Limits of Discipline: The Japanese Empire and Indigeneity in Colonial Taiwan. Council on East Asian Studies, Yale University. March 6, 2019.
Outcasts of Empire: Japan’s Rule on Taiwan’s “Savage Border,” 1874-1945. Lecture Series: Questions of Indigeneity in the Asia-Pacific. Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto, December 8th, 2017.
Mona Rudo and the Brothers Kondō: The Musha Incident in the History of Tgdaya-Japanese Relations, 1895-1930. Musha 1930: History, Memory, Culture 《霧社1930: 歷史、記憶、文化》. UCLA, Los Angeles, California. October 10, 2017.
Needs and Opportunities: International and Cross-Institutional Collaboration in Visual Sources of Modern East Asian History. Digital Media and Charting the Geography of Power in East Asia. Cambridge University, Cambridgeshire, England. June 29, 2017.
A Prehistory of Cold-War Photography in Taiwan: Foreign Consuls, Travel-Writers and Journalists in Colonial Times, 1900-1942. Expats, Migrants, and Immigrants: Taiwan/ese in Flux. Brown University, Providence Rhode Island. April 21st, 2017.
At the Geographic Limits of Discipline: The Japanese Empire and Indigeneity in Colonial Taiwan. Institute for Chinese Studies: Ohio State University. Columbus, Ohio. March 24th, 2017.
Japanese Maps of Indigenous Taiwan in Colonial Times. Bodies and Structures: Deep-mapping the Spaces of Modern Japanese History.” Triangle Center for Japanese Studies, UNC Chapel Hill. December 9-10, 2016.
Picture Postcards of Imperial Japan’s Peoples and Places, 1903-1945. Symposium: Conflicts of Interest: Art and War in Modern Japan. St. Louis Art Museum. October 21-22, 2016.
“Fascism Carved in Stone: Monuments to Loyal Spirits in Wartime Manchukuo and Taiwan.” Visualizing Fascism Workshop. University of Michigan, June 9-11, 2016.”
Growing the East Asia Image Collection over a Decade” (with Eric Luhrs). Workshop: Advancing Digital Scholarship in Japanese Studies: Innovations and Challenges. North American Coordinating Council on Japanese Library Resources and Edwin O. Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies, Harvard University. November 6-7, 2015.
Visualizing the Mudan Incident (牡丹社事件): Transformations in Monuments, Memorial Statues and Photography from 1874 to 2015.” Public Symposium: Media Cultures of Wartime and Postwar East Asia. Georgetown University, Inter Cultural Center (ICC), September 15, 2015.
「歴史資料としての絵葉書:日本統治下の台湾・樺太・韓国の比較研究および共通点をめぐって」Picture Postcards as Historical Evidence: Comparisons and Connections in Taiwan, Karafuto and Korea under Japanese Rule, 1900-1945. ジョイント・ワークショップ 地域研究総合情報センター [Workshop at the Center for Integrated Area Studies, Kyoto University]. May 28, 2015.
総括コメント:絵葉書を史料として研究の方法について [General Remarks on Postcards as Historical Evidence]. 近代日本と観光旅行:ー絵葉書と博覧会ー [International Symposium: Modern Japan and Tourism–Postcards and Exhibitions]. 学習院大学 Gakushuin University, Tokyo, Japan. May 18, 2015.
「台湾原住民」の誕生:人類学的絵葉書の普及と浸透をめぐって [The Birth of Primitive Society in Taiwan: On the Circulation and Reception of Anthropological Postcards]. 東アジア勉強会. [East Asia Research Study Group]. 京都大学 総合研究2号館 [Kyoto University Research Building 2]. April 11th, 2015.
「台湾原住民」の誕生:人類学的絵葉書の普及と浸透をめぐって [The Birth of Primitive Society in Taiwan: On the Circulation and Reception of Anthropological Postcards]. 順台会第2回研究会 [Second Jun’eki Taiwan Genjūmin Kenkyūkai Research Meeting]. 日本大学経済学部 [Nihon University of Economics, Tokyo]. March 14th, 2015.
Colonial Photography, Ethnic Cartography, and the Making of Indigenous Groups under Japanese Colonial Rule. Seminar: “Modernization and Development in Taiwan Indigenous Societies.” National Chengchi University, Taipei. December 10th, 2014.
Tangled up in Red: Textiles, Trading Posts and the Emergence of Indigenous Modernity in Japanese Taiwan. Academia Sinica Institute of Modern History, Taipei. December 8th, 2014.
The Birth of “Primitive Society” in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction: Picture Postcards, Ethnogenesis, and Indigenous Peoples under Japanese Colonial Rule. Academia Sinica Institute of Ethnology, Taipei. December 1st, 2014
Time, Space, and Race In The Japanese Empire: An Analysis of Mass-Media Photographs of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples, 1900-1935. East Asia Center, University of Virginia. April 11, 2014.
“Zugazō shiryō kenkyū no kanōsei: East Asian Image Collections ehagaki deita beisu o megutte.” [The Possibilities of Using Visual Images as Historical Documents: The East Asian Image Collections Postcard Database]. Kyoto University Center for Integrated Areas Studies Joint Research Project: Reading the Record of a Hundred Years of Intra-East Asian Conflict and Cooperation through Research in Audio-Visual Materials. Gakushuin Daigaku, Tokyo Japan. June 16, 2013.
“At the Threshold of Discipline: Race, Culture and Affect beyond Taiwan’s ‘Savage Border’ 1900-1945. The Affect of Difference: A Symposium on Asian Representations of Race and Identity under Empire. Dartmouth University, April 26-28, 2013
“The Ephemeral Empire: Japanese Picture Postcards as Sources of History” Critical Studies on Asia Workshop, Visual Representations of Race under Japanese Empire. UCLA, Los Angeles, CA. December 1, 2011.
“The Snowball Effect: Intended and Unintended Effects of Going Digital.” Symposium on Teaching with Digital Collections. Reed College, Portland OR. Reed College May 21-23, 2009.
“Tracking the Tracker: Kondō “the Barbarian” Katsusaburō, Imperial Japan, and the Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan, 1873-1930.” East Asian Center, University of California, Santa Barbara. November 15, 2007.
Panelist at Workshop: “Colonialism and Its Legacies: Creating a Historical Database.” Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. September 22, 2007.
Panelist and speaker: “Iran, Iraq & Korea: An Axis of Evil?” Raritan Valley Community College, North Branch, NJ. March 27th, 2007.
“Anthropologists, Informants, and Visionaries: Bureaucratizing Knowledge in Colonial Taiwan, 1895-1930.” Academia Sinica Institute of Ethnology, Nankang, Taipei, Taiwan, June 8th, 2006
“Centrifugal Forces of Empire: Japan’s ‘Aborigine Hands’ in Colonial Taiwan.” Duke University, Asian Pacific Studies Institute Speaker Series, February 24, 2006
Shin Nihon no seinen toshite Inō Kanori (1867-1925): Sekaishi kara mita Taiwan no ‘senku’ jinruigaku (Inō Kanori as a ‘Youth of the New Japan’: Taiwan’s Pioneering Anthropologists Viewed from the Perspective of World History). Keio Faculty of Law, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan, June 13th, 2003. [in Japanese]
“In Search of Iwari Rōbao and Kondō the Barbarian: Interpreters on the Aborigine Border under Japanese Colonial Rule.” Women’s History Workshop, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. March 20, 2003.
“Event, Myth, and Experience in Meiji Imperialism: Aspects of the Taiwanese Case as a Corrective to Japanese Exceptionalism.” Pace University Asian Studies Roundtable, April 16, 2002.
“The Middle Ground and the Nation-State: Japanese Colonial Rule in Upland Taiwan 1895-1915.” Modern Japan Seminar, Columbia University, New York. March 9, 2001.
Association for Asian Studies
American Historical Association
Modern Japan History Association
Northampton County Historical and Genealogical Society
Forks Township Historical Society
Cold Mountain Zen
Manuscript Reviewer (books): Stanford University Press, University of Hawai’i Press, Harvard University East Asian Institute, University of British Columbia Press, University of Washington Press, Bloomsbury Press, Routledge Press, Pearson Prentice Hall, and Laurence King Publishing.
Manuscript Reviewer (articles): American Historical Review, Japan Review, Journal of Asian Studies, Modern Asian Studies, Journal of Japanese Studies, Japan Forum, Critical Asian Studies, Nations and Nationalism, Current Anthropology, Japanese Studies, positions: asia critique, The Journal of World History, International History Review, Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History, The Historian, East Asian History, Late Imperial China, The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review, Visual Resources: An International Journal of Documentation, Shashi: Journal of Japanese Business History, Frontiers of History in China, Museum Anthropology: The Journal of the Council for Museum Anthropology, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, African Studies, International Journal of Asian Studies, Trans Asia Photography, History and Technology, and Contemporary Japan.
Family Connection of Easton, Board of Directors
Vice-President, 2021-
Secretary, 2019-2021
Historic Easton Cemetery, Board of Directors
Member, 2022-