Pre-Trip Blog

We had our pre-service activity on Friday which was actually very relaxing and I think it put me in a bit of a “service state of mind”, which was good after a rigorous exam week. I think I still need to psych myself up for the actual service, because I haven’t done anything like this since last year so maybe that will happen after we finally get to New Jersey.

But I’m excited to go for the actual trip – it’s my first time to Newark (past the airport anyway) and the Shore. One of the things I will probably be looking out for is the cultural dynamics of the effects of the hurricane – how different races and economic classes are dealing with rebuilding. I’m also interested in finding out what preventive measures are being taken for the sites that are being rebuilt.

Overall I hope it will add to the experiences I’ve had in the US so far as an international student who has done service activities in Easton and New York, and give me even more of a representative view of issues in America.

Looking forward to having fun while serving, too!


One Reply to “Pre-Trip Blog”

  1. Andrea,

    I’m looking forward to your perspectives on the cultural dynamics surrounding disaster recovery. I hope you’ll consider posting your thoughts after a few days of direct service!


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