

Welcome to my webpage!!

(Stifel rhymes with rifle)


David Stifel
Charles A. Dana Professor of Economics
Head, Department of Economics
Simon Center 202
Lafayette College
Easton, PA 18042-1776
Tel: (610) 330-5673
E-mail: stifeld@lafayette.edu


Here is a link to the Lafayette Initiative for Malagasy Education website: LIME.
Donations to this program are most welcome and can be made online on the LIME website.

Click on the following to view my…

1. Vita – includes links to my papers (also in PDF format)
2. Teaching philosophy

Research Interests

Development economics/applied micro-econometrics
Water, agriculture & poverty
Rural infrastructure & markets
Agriculture & rural livelihoods


Students currently enrolled in my courses at Lafayette can find the course websites on Moodle. Courses that I have taught at Lafayette include:

Econ 251: Intermediate Microeconomics
Econ 212: Intermediate Macroeconomics
Econ 253: Fundamentals of Econometrics
Econ 327: Applied Microeconometrics
Econ 346: Economic Development (syllabus)
Econ 347: Advanced Topics in Development Economics
Econ 351: International Finance
Econ 365: Econometric Analysis
Econ 404: Big Ideas in Economics

Links for students interested in finding jobs overseas:

American Foreign Services Association: http://www.afsa.org/

International Studies Association: http://www.isanet.org/

Peace Corps: http://www.peacecorps.gov/

U.S. State Department: http://www.state.gov/

Miscellaneous stuff:

Here is my presentation “Economic Development: Broader Implications of the Darfur Genocide” that I have for the “Darfur: Tragic Lessons and How to Convey Them,” sponsored by Lafayette College.

Those interested in a Stata program to test stochastic dominance (CDFs, not Lorenz curves), click here.

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