Welcome to the LFEV – Y5 -2017 Project Site! Here you can find all of the work the ECE 492 class has done in the Spring 2017 semester as well as links to the project pages from the first four years of LFEV (Lafayette Formula Electric Vehicle).
To read our statement of work, click here.
For information about this year’s intended competition, click here.
Mission Statement
As the pinnacle project of our electrical and computer engineering curriculum at Lafayette College, we plan to apply what we have learned over the years to complete the design and construction of a competition standard electric vehicle. In addition to completing what is now approaching a 5-year long effort, we hope that this project will serve as a both a learning experience for us, the students, and the department faculty. We believe that fully electric vehicles are relevant to modern technology and that this project will offer us the ability to exercise our engineering and innovative abilities.
- LFEV-Y5-2017 ECE TEAM – Not Pictured Above: Eric Martocci, Kemal Dilsiz, Raji Birru, and Zainab Hussein
Links: View local directory
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