Physics Links

Below is a list of web sites that have very useful information on the field of Complexity.

Santa Fe Institute

The depth and breadth of research can be revealed by the fact that  the selected members of the institute are from many Universities and institutes around the world, including world class experts (Nobel laureates too) in Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Economic, Medicine and Physiology etc.

Any person interested in keeping abreast the frontiers of physics should visit

Physics Today

where the most recent and broadest trends in Physics are disclosed. For example, below is an article and abstract by A. Motter and R. Albert

Networks in motion

“Networks that govern communication, growth, heard behavior, and other key processes in nature and society are becoming increasingly amenable to modeling, forecast, and control.”

For a more technical exposure in other topics in Physics, you may visit

American Journal of Physics

where the level of presentation is approximately at the undergraduate junior or senior level of physics.

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