Rachel- June 24

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of working with volunteers at the Urban Farm. Most of the kids were in their early teens. Sophia put me in charge of the “Cardboard Crew” and we spent time laying down cardboard in the pathways of the garden and covering it with wood chips. It was great to see that so many volunteers were willing to spend a morning helping out the community and learning about gardening.

The volunteers arrived at the same time as the Spring Garden summer camp. Three master gardener trainees spent two hours with these children teaching them about planting and having them actually work in their own plot to plant and water a variety of plants.

It was wonderful to see so many students who were much younger than me who were taking an interest in gardening. I’ve realized over the past month how important gardening skills are for everyone to have! Being able to maintain a garden means that you’ll have access to your own food that’s fresh and healthy. It’s an amazing feeling to know that you started something from scratch, helped it to grow, and kept it safe from the environment. I’m so glad that these children will be able to have this feeling at such a young age and hope that it will inspire them to use the knowledge they’ve gained later in their lives!

1 Comment

  1. Andrew Goldberg

    I’m glad you had a good time at the Urban Farm earlier this week!

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