With the market at 10th and Pine starting up in the coming weeks (save the date! July 6th, 5:30-7!) we’ve been doing a lot of farming in preparation for our market. There’s been plenty of transplanting, weeding, and watering between the Easton Urban Farm and LaFarm over the past few weeks, with many early mornings and a fair amount of back pain for us all. But our hard work is paying off– the plants look healthy and happy, and we’re looking forward to a nice assortment of produce in time for our first veggie stand.

This past week and the Urban Farm, Casey, Andie, and I harvested a lot of peas– 75 pounds (!!), some of which were given to the Kellyn Foundation for their farm stand. We transplanted eggplant, and were instructed on how to use the farm cooler for storing our vegetables in the weeks ahead.

Similarly, at LaFarm, we also spent a lot of time harvesting peas– we did a thorough harvest on both farms, because their season is coming to an end. After the peas, we divided and conquered for the rest of Thursday’s harvest, which included turnips, radishes, kale, and baby squash. There is a routine to the harvest that we are gradually becoming accustomed to– the rinsing, the weighing. The more we harvest, the more we are getting used to this general process, and we are slowly becoming more efficient every time.

This part of the summer is starting to feel pretty rewarding– all of the plants that we transplanted over the past few weeks are growing and thriving, and overall plans for the market are starting to materialize, too. We hope that you’re as excited for the stand’s launch as we are!

In the coming weeks, stay tuned for more farm updates and what veggies we’ll have available!