I was first introduced to Isidro Blasco last week when he gave a talk to the sculpture and Photo II classes. Although he is a world-renowned artist, having showed in China, Australia, Madrid and New York City, he is still humble and personable. When asked if he considers himself a photographer, he replied, ” I just have a good camera, go and shoot and hope for the best.”
In his formal artist talk on November 15th in the Williams Art Center, he showed us some of his most famous work. His latest piece is an Architectural Installation of a deconstructed lane-way showing in Sydney, Australia. The installation is the same size as the buildings it surrounds and fits in quite perfectly with its environment. Although it is not a perfect reconstruction, in terms of the placement of the photographs, it is so beautifully crafted and executed that the imperfection ironically adds a realistic element.
We also had the honor of seeing his film entitled “Elusive Here” which is a dream dramatization that references his life and career. He describes the film as “a narrative of my transitional moments.” He uses his deconstructive method to provide the viewer with different perspectives of a single event or idea. I believe one of the most intriguing and interesting parts of the film is when he “sees” his ex girlfriends from Spain, in women he encounters in the MoMA in NYC.
The beauty lies with a disconnect of the woman from the place he has met her. So the viewer is hearing the narration of how these women relate to his past lovers, but the scene is a solo shot of this new woman standing in front of a white wall. As the narration continues, she stands in character, unaware of the story being told. Periodically an image appears on the white wall behind the woman that is parallel to the narration. Blasco’s use of deconstruction, tells his story in such a beautiful and memorable way.
Isidro Blasco is the true definition of a versatile artist. He has found his strength and applied it many art forms. From his sculptures, to his films, to his architectural installations, he seems to be an artist of no boundaries.
We are proud and honored to have Isidro Blasco as our Third Street Artist- in- Residence and excited to see what work he does here at Lafayette College.