Category: View All Blogs

“Moving Spirit”: a reflection by Sarah Carlson

“Moving Spirit” was originally conceived to be a movement-based performance art piece exploring embodied spirituality and its emergence at Moravian Seminary, an institution that has traditionally practiced a more sedentary style of worship. The project was community-based uniting DanceLink’s professional…

Race and Space in the Lehigh Valley Discussion Series

This series of two digital forums will explore the relationship between race and the region. Topics include historical, contemporary and forward-thinking discussions of community policing, the idea of “who belongs where,” the implications of gentrification and urban renewal, access to…

Documentary Pulse: How a Film Moves with the World

A Refleciton by Drew Swedberg We entered the 2020 Spring semester with momentum, coming off a full year [2019] of research, production, and collaboration. Process-centered work, relational work, that felt alive in the day-to-day and increasingly ever-present in our lives.…