Intermediate Spanish I & II

Lafayette College describes the Intermediate levels of Spanish as follows:

Review and expansion of basic grammar and vocabulary. Short literary and cultural readings. Development of reading, writing, listening, and conversational skills as well as a deeper understanding of Hispanic cultures. Class/laboratory.

Prerequisite: Students with two or more years of high school Spanish should submit their AP, IB, or SAT II score to the Registrar or take the placement test administered by the Department. First-year students should take the online placement test prior to registration. Continuing students should make an appointment with the Foreign Languages & Literatures Department Head to take the exam prior to registration.

Here is my version:

This is were I hit my first road block. Simply, all the experience that I had meant nothing at this point in my journey. I had to take my want for better in my life to another level and Intermediate Spanish was an obstacle. To illustrate how difficult it became I will attach my Tutor Request Form, to drive the point home that this feat took work to overcome. For a normal person this would discourage them, however my determination would not allow my passion to die for the language I learned to love so long ago. During my time in the intermediate level Spanish classes, I began to focus on my writing and concentrate more on grammar in Spanish. Here are two examples of how new and extensive the writing became at this level:Intermediate Lvl. 1 Composition and Intermediate Lvl. 2 Composition.