Due to our limited space, ONLY international (and if space, west coast/mid-west domestic) students registered with the Office of Residence Life for housing during some portion of the summer AND seniors able to obtain their things by Saturday, August 15th will be eligible.
Students studying abroad in the fall should use the storage area designated by Residence Life.
All others should store belongings in the regular residence hall storage or use an outside storage facility. Because campus storage space is limited, can only be accessed at certain times, and does not allow furniture, rugs and other large items, those with cars or who wish to pay movers are strongly encouraged to rent storage lockers. Many students have found it helpful to share the cost of a locker. For off-site storage options see: http://reslife.lafayette.edu/services/storage/off-campus-storage/
ISA’s new storage coordinator is Amrit Bhandari. He will be sending information over e-mail about sign-ups and drop off times during finals week. Please be mindful of his time and be fully prepared at the time you are assigned to for drop-off.
As a reminder, all items MUST be LABELED and in plastic bins, suitcases or boxes – no garbage bags will be allowed. Refrigerators must be clean and dry or we will not store them. Please carefully read the attached guidelines for what can and cannot be stored. We reserve the right to dispose of anything that does not fit the list or poses risk of attracting creatures.
For international students who are studying abroad or going away from campus during the summer, ISA offers storage space in the basement of South College.
Please, note that the storage is offered as a service primarily for students who are going away for parts of the summer and will need to access their belongings before the official storage opening through Residence Life.
- If a student is going home for the entire summer, he or she is strongly encouraged to use the storage available through Residence Life by following the procedures outlined here.
- International students studying abroad are also encouraged to use the regular study abroad storage in Ramer through Residence Life by contacting an RA.
We appreciate your cooperation as we strive to ensure the availability of storage space.
Please be sure to follow the guidelines when using the storage room.
Lafayette College ISA Storage Guidelines
Lafayette College provides community storage as a convenience to students. Students who store items do so at their own risk. Students who wish to use the ISA storage room must follow the following rules.
1. Lafayette College, ISA and ISSC(International Students Storage Coordinator) assume no responsibility for loss, theft, or damage of property stored in South College.
2. Students are prohibited from storing the following items: furniture(including futons), loft or building materials of any kind, carpets, flammable items, chemicals, food, bicycles, or any item prohibited in the housing contract. ISSC reserves the right to refuse items that he or she deems unfit for storage.
3. To maximize space, items are to be stored in boxes. Garbage bags are prohibited.
4. Refrigerators/freezers must be completely defrosted and cleaned.
5. Students are required to disclose the contents of stored items by listing them in Community Storage Agreement form.
6. The College reserves the right to rearrange any items in storage and to remove/discard any unapproved items.
7. Prior to the start of summer session, all items stored during the school year must be removed by May 1st.
8. Items still in our storage closet 9 months after they were to be collected are subject to being discarded. If for any reason, the student is not able to reclaim his or her belongings after 9 months, he or she must inform ISA advisor or ISSC.
9. Students must contact the ISSC at least 24 hours before they wish to access the storage room. The subsequent appointment is subject to the hours set forth by the ISSC.
10. Storage space is on a first-come, first-serve basis. If there is no storage space available or all the remaining space is reserved, ISSC reserves the right to deny storage to any additional storage items.
11. To maximize space, each student is allowed storage for maximum of 8 boxes. (This number is subject to change according to the space available in ISA storage.)
12. ISA and ISSC reserve the right to refuse service to anyone who violates the above rules.