Selected master prints are arranged alphabetically by title. Click on thumbnails to view full size prints.
Saturday Lunch, 2011
School Trip at Met, 1990s
Scribe, 2005
Secrets of the Rhumba, 1999
Seltzer, 1988
Shakespeare and His Outfits, 1990s
Skidmore – Class of 1922, 1978
South Orange Train Station, 2007
Spring Comes To The Yeshiva, 1970s
Staple St. Tribeca, 2003
Stove – Vauvenargues, France, 2012
St. Petersburg, 2000s
Suitcase, 1980
Summer – Screen Door – Holly, 1970s
Sunday in San Gerolamo, 1980
Support America, 1980s
Symphony, 2010
Thalia Theatre, 2008
The Coat, n.d.
The Day Before Tuesday, 2001
The Nun, 1970s
Three Graces, Edinburgh, 1990s
Toast, 1984
Tony Soprano, 2000s
Tulips, 2012
Uncle Harry, 2010
Van Gogh Exhibition, 2005
Viagra, 2009
View Of NY From Hoboken, 1987
Waiter – Ironbound, 2000s
Walk, n.d.
Wall Street, 1983
Wave, 1985
Whirling Dervishes – Turkey, 2000s
Wig Stock [detail 1], 2000s
Wig Stock [detail 2], 2000s
Window Shopping, 1998
Wise Eyes, 2000s
Women Of The Bible II, 2007
Zoltan the Magician, 1980s
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