Selected master prints are arranged alphabetically by title. Click on thumbnails to view full size prints.
Aix En Provence, n.d.
Allegro Brillante, 1991
American Sculpture, 1960s
Ancient Women, 1990s
Animal Crackers II, 1995
Antique Baseball Cards, 1977
Aran Islands, 1990s
Art Lovers, 2000s
Atlantic City, 1985
Atlantic City, 1980s
Automat, 1992
Ballet Shoes, 1981
Barbie Dolls, 1996
Barychnikov Sketch Book, 1986
Battery City Promenade, 2011
Beach Trek, 2005
Beach Walk, n.d.
Bed and Breakfast, n.d.
Bento Box, 2000s
Bible Cards, 2000s
Bicycles in Amsterdam [upper plate], 2011
Binoculars, 1974
Birthday Party, 1976
Bleeker Street, 2011
Boating in Central Park, 2004
Box Seats, 1977
Brighton, 1982
Brooklyn Heights, 2000s
Butler’s Pantry, 2010
Candy Store, 1976
Cats, 1990s
Cezanne’s Garden, 2012
Cheek to Cheek, 1991
Chicago Art Institute, 1991
The Chief Men of the Town…, 1995
City Baby, 1991
City Garden, 2010
City Party, n.d.
Coney Island, 2010
Connamarah Beach Trek, 2005
Connamarra Pony Show, 2000s
Conversation in Venice, 2008
Cookies From Roseto, 1980s
Country Dogs, 2001
Cuban Cigars, 1990s
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