Author: Julius Young

Banks of the river

Walking down from AEC to Bourger Varsity Football House I noticed this curb. The curb of this side walk reminds me of a river bank. How it curves up and outlines a rivers path. It seems as if it acts as a barrier to the river.

Grey spotted spiders

If you walk around campus at night, you cannot help but to notice these grey spotted spiders around campus. I see them every night around Pardee and Farinon. If you look above the doors, usually near lightining, you’ll see many of these grey spotted spiders. Personally I hate spider so seeing numerous amounts of them makes my skin crawl. I wonder if these spiders are native to Easton, or are they like the spotted lantern flies around campus? This just makes me realize how much nature there is around campus. You just have to take a second to observe how much life there is around us.

Scott Park

This is a picture of the the intersection of the Delaware River and the Lehigh River. I walked down to Scott Park and walked down to the steps to get a close up shot of the river with the bridge behind it. It is amazing to see the calmness of the river as you can see the clouds reflection of the surface.


Buffalo Bayou

This is a picture of what the Buffalo Bayou in Houston looked like before and after Hurricane Harvey. This event greatly changed almost everybody’s lives in the greater Houston area. The Bayou is supposed to be able to obtain 32 inches of rain. However, it nearly rose to 53 inches and flooded everything near it. I live 5 minuets away from here and almost got flooded. I was very fortunate enough to be able to keep my house dry and we were able to come out the event safe!

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