Day: October 9, 2019

Bushkill Curtain water levels

When I went downtown to watch a performance of Vanity Fair last weekend, I thought the river seemed lower than usual when I passed by the curtain. The water was at least a foot below the bottom buoy, and many of the larger rocks on the bottom of the riverbed were exposed and visible.  According to the National Weather Service, this region has received slightly more than average rainfall for the year-to-date, but over the last 2 months, it has received less rainfall than usual, anywhere from .5 to 1 inch less than usual. This may have contributed to the river seeming lower than it usually is.

Asian Carp

The image above is of the Asian Carp, an invasive species. The Asian Carp is originally from China, they were brought over to the U.S. to filter pond water in fish farms in Arkansas. They quickly spread across the U.S. They have no real natural predators and female Asian Carp lay about half a million eggs each time they spawn. These fish pose as a huge threat to boaters as the fish can leap out of the water if startled by boat engines often colliding with people and causing injuries.

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