In August 2017 we implemented Swarthmore College’s PDF accessibility tool for Moodle. This required us to stand up a Node.js application, which was a new experience for us. Our environment was RHEL7, and our preferred web server Apache.
Application deployment
We followed our usual Capistrano principles for deploying the application. We created a simple project with all the Capistrano configuration and then mounted the Swarthmore project as a git submodule in a top-level directory named public. We configured the Capistrano npm module to use public as its working directory to ensure that the various node modules are installed on deployment.
PM2 is a Node process manager; its role is to ensure that the application runs at boot. To use it, we first need to install it globally:
sudo npm install -g pm2
Next, we create an ecosystem.json file. This needs to be in the root of the project repository; since we’re using Capistrano we define it in shared/public and symlink it on deploy. This is what ours looked like:
{ "apps": [{ "name": "{NAME}", "script": "./index.js", "cwd": "/var/www/{NAME}/current/public", "error_file": "/var/www/{NAME}/current/logs/{NAME}.err.log", "out_file": "/var/www/{NAME}/current/logs/app.out.log", "exec_mode": "fork_mode" }] }
All straightforward. We create a new user on the unix platform to own this job, have it start the process:
sudo -u {USER} pm2 start ecosystem.json
We can run a second command which generates the necessary syntax for setting up the systemd commands:
sudo -u {USER} pm2 startup
Having done all that, the node application is happily running on port 8080. We’re not interested in exposing that port in our environment, so we add a proxy pass to our standard Apache configuration for that virtual host:
ProxyRequests on ProxyPass / http://localhost:8080/
We’ll have to revisit this if we ever want to have a second node application on the system, but for now it works.
Featured image by Hermann Luyken [CC BY-SA 3.0 or GFDL], from Wikimedia Commons.
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