Life – working title

Life is the episodic story of an African/American family growing up in the Bronx. This story will follow a mother and her three sons. As they all get older and learn from their experiences and mistakes. My drive an intention for this project comes out of a want to speak to younger generations (not just males). I want to create a way for people of all ages to understand intersecting ways of life from multiple people’s perspectives. This will be an inter-generational story, allowing for each one of the characters to talk about different issues that people tend to look down on individuals for and don’t want to talk about in a mainstream society. The societal issues I am combating include but are not limited to:

  • “Non-traditional” Family structure, inter-family issues
  • Poverty and the exploitation of young people
  • Immigration (Process to citizenship)
  • Police/Mass Incarceration à the way we treat people afterwards L
  • Drugs and their effect on the community
  • The Street life for people of different ages, how its not for anyone
  • Fighting the self, family and friends
  • Gun violence
  • Relationship issues à this will come later or through a friend of the kids
  • Conformity – handled in every episode
  • A perceived lack of a code of honor amongst the younger kids
  • The unseen difference between School vs Education
  • Death and how people become numb to it if it’s frequent

The main reason why I have included all these subject into the mix is because they all affected my life, and the lives of my friends/ family growing up and whenever I go home and talk to my youngins / catch up on the state of the world; I know they still affect the lives of people today as much (and in many cases more). I want this mini-series to expose the stories and guiding life experiences that people like me walk around with and use them as teachable moments.

Ultimately, I would like to start this in a way that give an insight into how the hood mentalities can keep some people in the hood (physically or mentally) and at the same time put them ahead if they take what they learn in “the concrete jungle” and apply it to guide their lives in certain ways.

I’m almost done organizing the first episode and it’ll be up soon. In the meantime I’d love some feedback about potential ways to take it and how to frame the story world.

Networking Hunger: Food Recovery in Easton, PA

For my capstone project, I plan to investigate the issue of food insecurity in Easton through a short documentary film (I’m thinking 15-30 minutes).  My focus for this project will be on the initiatives to alleviate hunger in the area—meaning that I will have a more solution-based than problem-based product.  I’m choosing to focus on the solutions firstly because I’ve seen documentaries on hunger in the US that are primarily problem-based and I don’t want to remake what’s already been done.  My second motivation for this project stems from my involvement in the Landis program “Meals at Third Street” for the past 4 semesters in which a group of Lafayette students go down to the Third Street Alliance, a transition shelter for women and children that doesn’t provide food, and cook a meal once a week.  Through this experience, I have seen specific instances of how children and adults experience hunger and the affects that having a healthy meal can have.  I’m also involved in the Lafayette Hunger Coalition where I’ve learned about several other programs in the Lehigh Valley area that focus on increasing access to food.  I think that this project is timely in light of the creation of the Easton Public Market to increase food access and have recently spoken to an event coordinator at the Nurture Nature Center to learn more about the issue.  My documentary will involve interviews with program coordinators and those who have received aid through the programs.  I believe that this film will bring awareness and support for these problems in Easton while simultaneously offering ideas and inspiration for other areas (specifically my home town) where hunger initiatives are largely absent.

I could really use some feedback on how to structure this documentary. I don’t have a central character and am trying to find a way to connect the various programs. I’ve got footage from the Easton Hunger Coalition Meeting which tries to get programs to collaborate but I’m not sure if that would work as an opener, a conclusion, etc. Let me know what you think!

Buying Fate Screenplay

For my capstone, the game plan is to complete a feature length screenplay. The basic premise behind my current idea which I’ve had swirling in my mind for a couple years now centers around a futuristic society that allows for the customization of children — anything from intellect to looks to eventual fate — and it all depends on how much money you have to spend on the child. The more money, the more attractive and intelligent the child will be and the better “fate” they will have. The story explores the life of Madison, a child who lives with parents that she doesn’t realize are adoptive. Her biological father is the son of the man who created the Buying Fate company. On his 21st birthday, Madison’s father had bypassed all security codes and drunkenly created Madison for an incredible amount of money. Unable to remember what he programmed her fate to be and unable to find it on any records, he gave her up for adoption. The film begins as Madison turns 16 and must discover what her fate is and what family she really belongs to.

For now, do you guys have any comments on this idea? Any shows or movies that I should watch?

Documentary of Greek Life at Lafayette

[TL;DR at the bottom]

Through my brief tenure at Lafayette College, there has been a lot of attention towards the case of Greek Life at the school. Between the adoption of the IAGGL (a committee created to establish the benefits and drawbacks to Greek Life organizations), the suspension of the Zeta Psi fraternity, and the granted colony status of the Delta Tau Delta fraternity, it is clear that the topic of greek life is of large interest to the current student, alumni, and administrative body. In my experience as a student of this school, there has been a consensus from students and many alumni, that the administration of the school has looked negatively on Greek Letter organizations. However, with the recent adoption of the new Greek application process, the school is attempting to change that general attitude.

The question that many have asked (including myself), is how does a school with nineteen fraternities dwindle down to, at one point, three fraternities in a span of 30-40 years. Many claim this to be the result of a trend from the administration’s views on greek life that are believed to be negative. However, in my research so far, there was an extensive essay written by the late Albert W. Gendebien in 1998 about the history of Greek Life at Lafayette College. The essay analyzes the inception of these institutions all the way to their decline through the late 90’s. He analyzes several pieces of evidence from housing data to administrative policies on fraternity standards. The evidence finds that the decline in Greek organizations at Lafayette is not as black and white as a   “negative opinion” on greek life from the administration.

The essay, in sum, argues that up until the late 20th century, lazzes-faire attitudes towards these societies proved positive in a symbiotic relationship with the college. However, around the time of the mid-late 20th century, for reasons listed in the essay, these societies strayed from their intended purpose and required for intensive involvement from the school through guidelines and instruction. He calls for a revival in the value of the societies mission statements. His concluding statement asks the question, “Can the Greek System as it existed before the 1960’s –self reliant in an atmosphere of institutional hands-off– flourish under the glow of all this benevolent paternalism?”.

In my documentary, I hope to answer many different questions that surround the current topic of Greek Life at Lafayette. Questions like the current opinions of Greek Life at Laf from students, alumni, and administration, the direction people believe the institution to be going in, and answer Gendebien’s final question in his essay. I hope to obtain these answers through display of interviews from alumni, students, and faculty/administration in my project. I also aim to delve deeper in research pertaining to the greek history of Lafayette College, that I believe can be found in the college archives. In these archives, I hope to uncover further details as to how fraternities and sororities behaved on campus in the past. I am in the works of contacting different alumni affiliated with current and formerly recognized greek letter organizations. Having had conversations about greek life with alumni I am convinced that this is a topic of interest to them, and I believe there are alumni that would wish to voice there opinion through this platform.

I truly desire to approach this project with a neutral approach. I am not a member of any fraternity on campus, however, a vast majority of my friends are involved in Greek Life. Some of you may know that some of my closest friends were those in the Zeta Psi fraternity that was suspended. Although this may seem like a conflict of interest, I do not wish to focus on the suspension any more than the other aspects of this case.

My Concerns:

  • How difficult will it be to get interviews with different administrative heads?
  • Who do you guys think I should interview specifically besides the obvious ones.
  • If the only opportunity to interview some people is over the summer, how should I approach document it without a decent camera? Best camera I have at my ready disposal is my iPhone 6+.
  • What other prep should I do before going into the school year?
  • Do you guys think this a doable project for the capstone? Does it seem like too big or small a project?

I want to shoot a documentary on the history, public opinion, and direction of Greek Life at Lafayette College. I want to interview students, alumni, and faculty/administration. Research so far has been of greek related articles from The Lafayette Newspaper, as well as an essay on this topic written in 1998 by a former Lafayette archivist Albert W. Gendebien. I plan to conduct further research through the College Archives in hopes to uncover more details as to how Greek Letter organizations conducted themselves. Not officially in a fraternity myself, however all of my friends are, so I hope to approach this topic neutrally.

The Best Bagels

Here’s my basic idea,

A short film, between 15 and 30 minutes in length, exploring the bonds of friendship, family, and home, and the ways in which those bonds fade and fall apart.  Ian reluctantly returns home to northern New Jersey after a stint away at college, but he won’t be able to avoid his best friend Andy, or the looming tragedy in their shared pasts. The more Ian is wrenched back into the diners, drinks, and highway drives of Jersey, the more he begins to suspect that the event that sent him away from home in the first place is far more than it seems.

I am looking forward to this.  Should be fun to work with everyone!

Anemotion – Capstone

Here’s a few thoughts on it. I’ve begun pre-production and have some attachments. This was my one page intent form from my meeting.

Working Title: An-Emotion (like animation and emotion combined)

This project will be a short narrative film that I will write, direct, edit, and animate over. I plan on having 3 to 4 main actors and 4 or 5 locations. The film would hopefully be about 20 minutes long. I plan on having the project written, storyboarded, and have all preproduction done by the end of summer. With filming in the first week or two of school and then the remaining time for editing and animating.

The idea of the film is to parody those that are centered on love triangles and the melodrama that comes with them. The idea is that many people will have a simply animated aura around themselves that displays their emotions and states. For example red throbbing when feeling enamored, coloring in the eyes black when angry. Simple animation that is possible with after effects. I have done very minor animations before and plan on learning more during the summer. I will shoot the actors and then draw onto each frame individually. I believe that I have the time to do this because the schedule I’ve set up for myself has a lot of free time.

It will feature a young person in a non-college setting (shooting somewhere off campus likely with college actors) who, along with this type of strange stick figure/aura that I will be animating, will be nursing an obsession with their love interest only to have them taken by someone else. Many attempts to gain the affection of this person will be shot down until a final battle between the protagonist with their aura/stick figure who represents their feelings, and the antagonist (person who took their love interest) with their aura/figure


Plot Points.


Act One Story Board

Act Two Story Board

Act Three Story Board

Please give me feedback! I’ve been working on my animating as well. Thanks and looking forward to working with everyone. If anyone has info on crews and actors I’d love to know.

EDIT: Rough draft of script and story boards added in.