Run Lola Run ( a little late post)

I know this post may be a little late but after looking at some of my notes, I took during the screening, there are some things I want to weigh in on about the film. One thing I thought that the director, Tom Tykwer, did well was incorporate a lot of repetition in his shots and quick cuts to express a fast moving pace throughout the film. Many of the shots helped establish the sense that Lola was running out of time to save Manni and how fast she had to think and react to give her an advantage. One shot in particular is at the beginning of the movie when she is thinking of how she can help Manni and throws the telephone in the air. There are quick cuts between Lola and the flying telephone and right when she decides what to do the phone lands neatly on the hook. With the use of the types of cuts and repetition at the beginning of the film, the audience is able to get a good sense of pace for the rest of the movie. Another thing that struck me as important that I did not hear during our class discussion was the ending credits. Maybe I am thinking too far into it but I found it strange that they were backwards, meaning they ran from top to bottom. I have never seen that in a film before and was very curious as to why it was done that way? I hope that if someone is reading this they can give me their thoughts on the matter of why the director decided to do this.

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