The Gaze in the Entourage Trailer

I know the semester is over and so the blog is practically dead but I recently viewed the trailer for the upcoming Entourage film based on the popular HBO television show. As I have found to be a tendency lately, I was watching it with some of the things I learned in critical in the back of my head. The main one being the idea of the gaze. Ever since Carly’s presentation, I have been thinking about the rule she presented about the test to see if two women  talk to each other on screen about something other than a man. Obviously this cannot be deciphered by a mere trailer but I was interested to see that for the first minute and a half of the trailer, there was not one women who spoke or was wearing anything other than a bikini, and there were many, many women. By the time I reached the end of the trailer, I realized that every single background women was in a bikini while the extras that were men were fully clothed. Obviously the Entourage series is targeted to the males 18-25 denomination so it is no surprise that they would throw in a hundred women in bathing suits in the background of each shot. This trend seems to be rather indicative of the road American Hollywood films are beginning (or have already begun) to go down. It will definitely be interesting to see this film in its entirety and judge its portrayal of women and masculinity because this film, although not on any ones Oscar ballots, is the type of entertainment that people have been demanding. It has been a heavily anticipated movie and to see how it fairs with these ideas of masculinity and feminism in the back of our minds, could be an interesting experiment on the culture of todays moviegoers.

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