"eating is an agricultural act" --Wendell Berry, The Pleasures of Eating

Author: tintlel (Page 2 of 2)

Food Waste

After we had to record what we ate and what we wasted for about a week I have become more aware of my food waste and I must say while I intend to be very good I subconsciously forget about food I put away and when I discover it it has spoiled. This article gives Tammara Soma, organizer of an upcoming food symposium at the University of Toronto,  her tips for cutting down on the amount of food we trash without eating it all. The first thing she suggests is becoming food friends with your freezer, if there is ever a time when we make too much food we need to simply put it I the freezer and use it at a later date. Second  she says a huge reason for waste is due to the portion sizes, many of us make or take more food than we will actually eat and it ends up becoming waste. Third she suggests placing the food which is older at the forefront of our shelves and refrigerators and use this when we plan out our meals. Fourth we need to get used to trying new things and experiment with food that may seem to ripe. Lastly we need to take the aesthetics out of eating; if an apple is bruised it is still just as good as one that is not. I think this article is good because the list of suggestions of what we can do as consumers isn’t outrageous and is completely doable.




A More Costly Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving is only a few days away and we can all hardly contain our excitement to be home with family enjoying an elaborate spread of delicious food. In this article they estimated the cost of Thanksgiving will rise this year from last. This is because of the increase in the price of dairy which jumped 25 cents over last year, miscellaneous ingredients, such as coffee, sugar and eggs, account for another 28 cents, while 3 pounds of sweet potatoes jumped 20 cents. The drop in the price of fuel however will not only make the cost of driving to relatives homes less but it also has an affect on reducing the price of flour-based foods, such as stuffing mix, pie shells and dinner rolls due to energy cost savings by the processors. The article lists a number of changes you can make such as organic food, not driving, or not cooking that could directly effect the price of your Thanksgiving.


Is Organic Food Better for You?


I thought this article would be good for someone to read who needed to be convinced of the very positive advantages to eating organic food. This article references a number of studies as well as lists many positive facts about the benefits of organic foods. Many consumers are appalled by the pricing of organic food and I think reading this article could potentially help change their opinions.


FDA: Antibiotics Sales to Farms Up 16 Percent Between 2009-12


I came across this article and found it really interesting that sales of antibiotics to farms have increased 16% between 2009 and 2012. We have discussed the issue of antibiotics on farms quite often but I liked this article because of how recent it is. Ninety-seven percent of these drugs were sold over-the-counter, and feed was the most common means of administration for them. Public health officials expressed their concern that overuse of antibiotics on farms will lead to an increase in antibiotic-resistant pathogens that affect humans.

“The vast majority of antibiotics used in animal agriculture are important in human medicine, and most of them are being fed to animals that aren’t sick.”

One instance I found very interesting because of its irony was “In January 2012, FDA banned the extralabel use of cephalosporins in food animals to preserve their effectiveness for treating sick people, yet the sales of those drugs still rose that year.” This data were are presented with is very limited, administrators are curious about use by species and the actual purposes of administration, and the FDA has acknowledged it and said they hope to find a way to collect that data.


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