"eating is an agricultural act" --Wendell Berry, The Pleasures of Eating

A Potential Food Supply Collapse Heading Our Way


I found this article very interesting because I don’t think many people consider these two topics to be related to one another. This article discusses the global groundwater crisis and how it has the potential to lead to a food supply collapse.

Data obtained form the Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment (GRACE) reveal that there, Californians in the Sacramento and San Joaquin river basins have lost approximately 15 cubic kilometers (4 cubic miles) of total water every year since 2011, which is more water than all 38 million Californians combined use on an annual basis for both municipal and domestic purposes.

The cause is our belief that water will always be there, we have begun to take it for granted and now we are about to feel the consequences. Groundwater resides underneath the Earth’s surface, it’s difficult for many to grasp the severity of the situation and become proactive about it because they cannot see it.

1 Comment

  1. Danielle Moore

    I always felt like water as a limited resource was one of the first lessons taught in environmental science at a young age, but that doesn’t seem to stick with people. Through this and other articles we’ve read ove the semester, it is glaringly obvious that water is completely and utterly limited, and that we’ve polluted quite a bit of it. I feel like it will take more severe consequences for people to actually make a change, unfortunately, but that’s the case with a lot of things these days.

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