"eating is an agricultural act" --Wendell Berry, The Pleasures of Eating

Monsanto Undertakes Impossible Task


This just in: Monsanto has hired someone to undertake something that, even with a contract with one of the strongest private arms firms, they will not be able to accomplish. Vance Crowe was recently hired by Monsanto as the director of Millennial Engagement. This man is tasked with building a relationship of trust and cooperation with those who were born between the mid 80’s and 2000. This is the generation who participates in marches against Monsanto and includes the hashtag #monsantoevil in their tweets. This is the generation that is making organic, vegan, non-GMO, and local eating popularized. This is the generation that is beginning to question our food system and understand not to trust many of the products that our parents trusted.

By no means is every member of the “Millennials” totally averse to favoring Monsanto, but I think it’s fair to say that not many of us who have heard of Monsanto see them in a favorable light. In a way, I’m kind of glad Monsanto exists. It has been proven time and time again that having a common enemy unites people in some of the most effective ways.

1 Comment

  1. tintlel

    I actually have to agree with your last few sentences. I was sitting at Thanksgiving and my grandmother started to bring up Monsanto and soon we were all in a full fledge discussion about what they have been doing and it actually brought us closer as a family. I think Monsanto, with this newly appointed person, is not going to have much success connecting with the targeted audience because I think all they have done too much. For a lack of better words they have “past the point of no return”.

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