"eating is an agricultural act" --Wendell Berry, The Pleasures of Eating

Will Americans Buy Bug Snacks? Maybe … If They’re Funny And Cute

Insects are used in many countries as a reliable source of protein, and are much more environmentally sustainable than other forms of protein such as chickens, cows, and pigs. The snacks described in this article raise the questions: “What is food to me? What do I consider food?”

If Americans are able to overcome their taboo against eating bugs, we have the potential to develop a more sustainable food system through this adaptation to our diets. We can shift from factory farming of livestock, which requires much energy and resources, to insect farming. Personally, I will need a significant period of time to adjust to using bugs as a main source of protein, but I believe this change in diet can be achieved within a generation or two.


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  2. Antwan Potts  

    good article,

  3. tintlel

    I’m right there with you in saying that it would take some time for me to adjust to trying bugs let alone using it as my main source of protein. In my mind I can’t get over the fact that they are bugs and bugs aren’t food but I know many cultures bugs are even sometimes a delicacy. Just like with anything else new, I am sure the taste of them would surprise me and I may even end up liking them. It is a case of mind over matter for me.

  4. Samantha Gleich

    I once watched a TV documentary that took place in a country in Africa (I forget which region specifically), however, in this documentary, an American man attempted to live and eat like the native Africans around him. During this experience, the concept of eating crickets as a snack (and source of protein) was introduced to the American man. At first, the American was horrified by the idea of eat a bug, but after trying the cricket snacks he admitted to the small bugs being quite tasty. My dad has tried crickets numerous times (he is very adventurous with foods) and he also claims that the bug is very tasty. For some reason, American’s have evolved an unexplained hatred and fear of bugs, thus making it difficult to consume such small critters. That being said, in hunter-gatherer times, I am sure that men and women would consume bugs quite frequently. I agree with Amanda that if we can learn to see past this underlying fear of bugs, such a food sources could help fix some environmental and agricultural issues.

  5. Shawn Hogan

    I would definitely eat bugs! There is actually a UN published paper about all of the amazing societal, economic, and environmental benefits that would occur if the global population switched their protein source to insects. I am incredibly pleased that there is a company beginning to market edible insects in such an attractive way. I feel that the barrier to adopting effective solutions to so many environmental problems are cultural norms. Hopefully Little Herds will change minds on this particular cultural belief and make insects much more desired among consumers.

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