"eating is an agricultural act" --Wendell Berry, The Pleasures of Eating

Vermont is Doing Maple Syrup Right


This is yet another one of Grist’s United States of Sustainable Food highlights and it is on a Vermont maple syrup and dairy farm called Ledganear farm. This farm works with a forester to make sure that his grove maintains biodiversity and ecosystem health. They also uses harvested wood from the forest surrounding him to make fuel to process his maple syrup instead of oil. Lastly, they take advantage of the waste produced by their cows and make fertilizer.

It is great to see yet another farm that works with the culture of their area as well as the land that they use. More farmers should work with scientists and foresters to understand how they can conserve the land that they use to make their product.

1 Comment

  1. Desy

    Maple syrup sounds fine, I would love to know the receipe. Could you post it later? Thanks!

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