"eating is an agricultural act" --Wendell Berry, The Pleasures of Eating

Sustainable Deodorant

I follow a lot of health/environmental pages on Facebook (my favorite definitely being March Against Monsanto, it’s wonderful) and today I was scrolling and found this recipe for sustainable deodorant. While it’s a short article and I have a few weeks until I can try it (I have quite the supply of coconut oil at home, so I’m pretty pumped, it’s a wonderful butter substitute) it definitely made me think.

When we think about animal products, it’s typically in the form of food. Yet many of our day to day products especially beauty products originate from animals. This combined with the fact that people still use animal testing leads to a lot of harm towards our very own ecosystem. Using plant based materials rather than animal ones even in something as simple as deodorant allows us to solve human problems without ruining other lives.

Learn to Make Non-Toxic, Long-Lasting, Organic Deodorant

1 Comment

  1. Amanda Leaman

    I think we should do this with more of the products we use. There are often entirely organic methods that can be used to produce many of the non-food products we purchase at convenience shops. Instead of using chemically manufactured products, we should find these sustainable alternatives.

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