"eating is an agricultural act" --Wendell Berry, The Pleasures of Eating

The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race

One of my favorite authors of all time is a writer who goes by the name of Jared Diamond. Diamond has written many nonfiction books that cover a wide variety of topics. My absolute favorite book of Diamond’s is a book he titles “Guns, Germs, and Steel”. This book analyzes human development, culture, geography, and biology to determine why European nations were able to conquer African, Native American, and Australian tribes and not vise vera. In this book, Diamond constantly refers back to the concept of agriculture. Diamond prompts his reader to think as he explains that “agriculture is both the best and the worst invention of the human race”.

Today in class Professor Hejny briefly mentioned that the term “progress” is very subjective. As human beings we see our industrial agricultural system as progress, however, such a system has many flaws and repercussions developed countries are beginning to notice. If the idea of agriculture had never been “invented” the environmental problems that exist in our world today would have never appeared. Also, without agriculture it is likely that many human health issues such as cancer, diabetes, and heart disease would not exist (or at least not be as common). Finally, if agriculture had never existed, human populations and cultures that have been exterminated (or are closely approaching extinction) would have never disappeared to begin with.

The thesis of Diamond’s book states that the invention of agriculture is what allowed Europeans to conquer other colonies worldwide. Though I would recommend that you all read “Guns, Germs, and Steel”, the book is very long and we all have a lot of school work to do! So, this article, which is written by Diamond himself, truly explains the effects of agriculture in the ancient and modern world.


READ IT: http://www.ditext.com/diamond/mistake.html


Do you think that agriculture is the worst mistake in human history?

Is agriculture the best or the worst invention of all time?

What is progress and where do we draw the line between thriving and failing?



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    The Delaware Play 3 Lottery is a popular draw game offered by the Delaware Lottery. In this game, players select three numbers from 0 to 9. Drawings for Play 3 are held twice daily, allowing players multiple opportunities to win each day.

    To play, participants choose their three numbers and can select different play types, including:

    Straight: Players win by matching the numbers in the exact order drawn.
    Box: Players win by matching the numbers in any order.
    Straight/Box: Players combine straight and box plays for a chance to win both ways.
    Pair: Players select two numbers and win by matching those numbers in exact order.
    Combo: Players select multiple combinations of numbers, increasing their chances of winning.
    The prizes and odds vary depending on the play type chosen and the amount wagered. Players can purchase tickets from authorized retailers or online platforms.

    The Delaware Play 3 lottery offers straightforward gameplay and multiple ways to win, making it a popular choice among lottery enthusiasts in Delaware.

  1230. Mehran

    The Colorado Lottery is a state-operated organization responsible for overseeing various lottery games and scratch-off tickets within the state of Colorado. It offers a variety of games, including multi-state jackpot games like Powerball and Mega Millions, as well as in-state games such as Cash 5, Pick 3, and Lotto.

    Players have the opportunity to participate in daily and weekly drawings, with the chance to win cash prizes of varying amounts. Additionally, the Colorado Lottery contributes a portion of its proceeds to support various state programs, including outdoor recreation, parks, wildlife, and education.

    With its array of games and the potential for substantial winnings, the Colorado Lottery provides entertainment and excitement for residents while also contributing to important causes within the state.

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    NYC General Contractor is NYC’s premier general contractor and luxury builder, providing high-end construction solutions that include general contracting, design and build, residential and commercial remodeling, and interior build-outs. We aim to create a stress-free experience for our clients by managing the construction of the project from start to finish.

  1232. Mehran

    The New York Pick 10 Lottery is a unique daily lottery game offered by the New York Lottery. It provides players with the opportunity to win cash prizes by selecting ten numbers from a pool of 1 to 80.

    In the Pick 10 game, players choose their numbers and can also opt for Quick Pick to have numbers randomly generated for them. Each play costs $1.

    Drawings for Pick 10 are held every evening, seven days a week. Players can purchase tickets up until shortly before each drawing. The winning numbers are randomly drawn, and players who match a certain number of the drawn numbers win cash prizes. The jackpot prize starts at $500,000 and rolls over until it is won.

    Pick 10 offers players the chance to win prizes daily with straightforward gameplay. With its relatively low cost per play and the potential for significant winnings, it remains a popular choice among lottery players in New York.

  1233. Mehran

    Lottery USA is a platform that provides comprehensive information and resources for lottery enthusiasts across the United States. It serves as a go-to source for lottery results, jackpot updates, drawing schedules, and information about various lottery games offered in different states. From Mega Millions to Powerball, and from scratch-off tickets to daily draws, Lottery USA keeps players informed about the latest winning numbers and prizes. Whether you’re a seasoned lottery player or someone looking to try their luck for the first time, Lottery USA offers valuable insights and tools to enhance your lottery experience. With its user-friendly interface and up-to-date information, Lottery USA is your one-stop destination for all things lottery-related in the USA.

  1234. hellstarhodies

    The Hellstar Hoodie is a creation of the popular streetwear brand, Supreme. It made its debut in the brand’s Fall/Winter 2019 collection and has since become a highly coveted item among fashion enthusiasts. The hoodie features a black and white checkered design with the iconic Supreme logo on the front and back. Its unique design, coupled with the brand’s popularity, has contributed to its immense success.

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    Leather motorcycle chaps are a popular accessory among motorcycle riders. They are designed to protect the lower body from wind, rain, and debris while riding. Leather Chaps Made from high-quality leather, they are durable and can withstand harsh weather conditions. Leather chaps also provide an extra layer of protection in case of an accident. They come in a variety of styles and designs, from traditional black leather to more colourful options with intricate designs. Some chaps also feature pockets for storing small items like wallets or keys. Despite their practical benefits, some riders choose to wear chaps purely for aesthetic reasons, as they add a cool and edgy element to any biker outfit.

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    From renowned artists exploring digital mediums to startups facilitating NFT trading platforms, the region is experiencing a dynamic intersection of art, technology, and finance. The surge of Non-Fungible Tokens NFT News Middle East has begun to make waves in the Middle East, marking a significant shift in the region’s digital art and collectibles landscape. With an increasing number of artists, collectors, and enthusiasts embracing this blockchain-based technology, the Middle East is witnessing a burgeoning NFT scene.

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    On your special day, I want to take a moment to celebrate the wonderful person you are. Happy Birthday, dear sister-in-law! You bring so much joy and warmth into our family with your kindness, grace, and infectious laughter. Your presence lights up every room you walk into, and your caring nature touches the hearts of everyone around you. May this year be filled with endless blessings, love, and unforgettable moments. Here’s to many more years of laughter, love, and cherished memories together. Enjoy every moment of your special day, because you truly deserve all the happiness in the world. Cheers to you, dear sister in law birthday wishes

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    When it comes to celebrating special occasions in Dubai, few things elevate the festivities like a meticulously crafted birthday cake. In this vibrant city known for its extravagance and luxury, birthday cake dubai are not just desserts; they are works of art that reflect the opulence and creativity of Dubai’s culinary scene. From towering multi-tiered creations adorned with edible gold to intricately designed masterpieces featuring the iconic skyline, there’s a birthday cake in Dubai to suit every taste and style.

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    Muslims prayer Times around the world follow a schedule of daily prayers, known as Salah or Salat, which are performed at specific times throughout the day. These prayer times are determined by the position of the sun and vary depending on the geographical location of the individual.

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    Roses delivery abu dhabi is a classic and timeless way to express love, gratitude, and affection. With roses delivery services available in Abu Dhabi, you can easily surprise your loved ones with a beautiful bouquet no matter the occasion. In this article, we’ll explore the convenience and joy of roses delivery in Abu Dhabi and how it can help you create memorable moments for your loved ones.

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    The Hellstar Shirt is more than just a piece of clothing, it’s a statement. The brand draws inspiration from punk and rock culture, and it is reflected in its designs. The Hellstar shirts are characterized by bold graphics, dark colors, and a touch of rebellion. Every design has a story behind it, making it more than just a fashion statement. From skulls to demons, the designs are not for the faint-hearted. But that’s what makes the Hellstar T shirt stand out from the rest.

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    Hellstar Clothing its unique designs and philosophy, Hellstar Clothing focuses on creating high-quality garments that not only look good but also last long. Each piece is carefully crafted using premium fabrics and materials, ensuring that it can withstand the test of time. This not only reduces the environmental impact of the brand but also provides value to the customers. The brand takes great pride in using the best materials and paying attention to every detail in the production process.

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    Conducting a thorough Ohio business name search is a crucial step in the early stages of starting a business. It ensures legal compliance, helps establish a unique brand identity, and prevents potential conflicts with existing businesses By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can confidently choose a business name that aligns with your vision and sets the foundation for your entrepreneurial journey in Ohio.

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    The term “bikini line” refers to the area of skin along the edges of a bikini bottom or swimsuit bottom. It typically includes the area where pubic hair grows and is visible when wearing a bikini.

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    Waxing is a hair removal technique that involves applying a thin layer of warm wax to the skin. A cloth or paper strip is then pressed onto the wax and quickly pulled off in the opposite direction of hair growth, removing the hair from the root.

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    Mental institutions, also known as psychiatric hospitals or asylums, have played a significant but often controversial role in the treatment of mental illness throughout history.

  1279. Satta King

    Satta King refers to a form of gambling or betting that originated in India and has gained significant popularity over the years. The term “Satta” translates to “betting” in Hindi, and “King” symbolizes someone who is victorious or dominant in this realm of betting. This underground betting phenomenon revolves around selecting a number from a pool and placing bets on it, with the hopes of winning a substantial amount of money. However, despite its widespread popularity, Satta King operates outside the bounds of legal gambling, making it a controversial and risky activity.

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      The blog post discusses Jared Diamond’s book “Guns, Germs, and Steel” and its analysis of agriculture’s impact on human development. It questions whether agriculture is the worst mistake in human history and explores the concept of progress.

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    Vegas Pool Builders is a premier pool construction company based in Las Vegas, Nevada. With over 20 years of experience, they specialize in designing and building custom pools and spas that transform outdoor spaces into luxurious retreats.

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    Soccer tennis nets are specialized nets used in soccer tennis, a fun and challenging game that combines elements of soccer and tennis. These nets are typically smaller than regular soccer goals, standing at about 5 feet in height and 10 feet in width.

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    The presence of knowledgeable and experienced guides is a hallmark of private safaris. Guests benefit from the undivided attention of their guide, who shares in-depth knowledge about the local flora and fauna, ensuring a richer and more educational safari experience.

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    A Kenya/Tanzania safaris is a journey into the heart of Africa promising a tapestry of wildlife landscapes, and cultures. Whether you seek adventure, cultural immersion, or a perfect blend of both, the East African safari experience is sure to leave an indelible mark on your memory. Prepare for an enchanting expedition as you explore the wonders that Kenya and Tanzania safaris have to offer.

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    A Kenya/Tanzania safaris is a journey into the heart of Africa promising a tapestry of wildlife, landscapes, and cultures. Whether you seek adventure, cultural immersion, or a perfect blend of both, the East African safari experience is sure to leave an indelible mark on your memory. Prepare for an enchanting expedition as you explore the wonders that Kenya and Tanzania safaris have to offer.

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    Embark on a thrilling journey through the heart of Africa with Safaris in Kenya and Tanzania, where untamed landscapes and diverse wildlife await. Kenya’s renowned Maasai Mara National Reserve offers a mesmerizing spectacle during the Great Migration, as millions of wildebeests, zebras, and gazelles traverse its plains in search of greener pastures. Encounter the iconic Big Five – lions, elephants, buffaloes, leopards, and rhinos – as expert guides lead you through this magnificent wilderness.

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    Kenya Tanzania safaris offer opportunities for unforgettable experiences such as hot air balloon safaris over the Serengeti, guided bush walks with expert rangers, and visits to local communities for authentic cultural interactions. Moreover, both countries boast stunning landscapes, from the snow-capped peaks of Mount Kilimanjaro to the pristine beaches of the Kenyan coast.

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    Latex Gloves are widely used in various industries and settings for their versatility and protective properties. These gloves are made from natural rubber latex extracted from the Hevea brasiliensis tree. One key advantage of latex gloves is their elasticity, providing a snug fit that enhances dexterity and tactile sensitivity. This makes them particularly useful in healthcare settings, laboratories, and food preparation, where precise movements and touch sensitivity are crucial.

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    ALatex Catsuit is a form-fitting garment made from latex, a natural or synthetic rubber material known for its elasticity and sleek, shiny appearance. These catsuits have gained popularity in various subcultures, including fetish and alternative fashion scenes. The distinctive allure of latex lies in its ability to cling tightly to the body, accentuating curves and creating a sleek, second-skin effect. The smooth, glossy surface of a latex catsuit adds a sensual and futuristic dimension, making it a popular choice for individuals seeking a bold and edgy fashion statement.

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    Alatex skirt is a stylish and edgy fashion piece that has gained popularity for its unique material and form-fitting design. Made from latex, a stretchy and shiny material, these skirts provide a sleek and futuristic look that stands out in various fashion scenes. The smooth and glossy surface of the latex adds a touch of glamour, making it a favorite choice for those who want to make a bold fashion statement.

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    Latex Glovesare commonly used in various industries, providing a versatile and effective barrier against contaminants. These gloves are made from natural rubber latex, derived from the sap of the rubber tree. One notable advantage of latex gloves is their elasticity, allowing for a snug fit that enhances dexterity and sensitivity. This characteristic makes them ideal for tasks that require precision, such as medical examinations and laboratory work. Additionally, latex gloves offer excellent protection against biological and chemical substances, making them a staple in healthcare settings, laboratories, and the food industry.

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    ALatex Catsuit is a form-fitting garment made primarily from latex rubber material. These catsuits have gained popularity in various subcultures and fashion scenes due to their sleek and glossy appearance. The latex material provides a distinctive shine that accentuates the curves of the wearer, creating a bold and alluring aesthetic. The catsuit typically covers the entire body, often including hands, feet, and head, offering a seamless and provocative look. It is commonly associated with fetish fashion, alternative lifestyles, and cosplay, where individuals embrace the bold and daring style of latex catsuits to express their creativity and unique sense of fashion.

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    One key feature of WhatsApp filter software is its ability to combat the spread of misinformation and fake news. By identifying and blocking potentially misleading content, these tools contribute to the promotion of accurate and reliable information within the messaging platform. This is particularly crucial given the significant role that messaging apps play in disseminating news and information.

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