"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." --Mahatma Gandhi

The Opinion on Fracking is Changing.

Halliburton’s Relationship with North Dakota

Currently, North Dakota is the epee center for fracking in the United States. This boom in the fracking industry has lead to North Dakota having the lowest unemployment and fastest growing economy of any state in the US. The economic growth fracking has brought North Dakota is unprecedented in their history and actually many of its citizens even with the harms of fracking being made more apparent still strongly support the industry. Even more perplexing many of these supporters are the ones experiencing the most environmental externalities like severe air and water contamination. Nevertheless, the scene has begun to change rapidly since a 2013 oil spill in the town of Tioga. Researchers now believe the hydraulic fracking site at Tioga is the largest land oil spill in the history of the US and has contributed to the many corresponding towns having extreme water contamination.  This fiasco has caused many residents to form a coalition of people trying to get Halliburton and other fracking company’s out of North Dakota, but their efforts have not been to successful yet due to a lack of power. It’s now important to wonder how much will it take for North Dakota to realize the harms of the Fracking Industry and actually do something on a governmental level.

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