This may change how cities are built; revolutionary
In this article by the Huffington Post, the author explores the possibility that the future look of cities may be different than what most expect because of this developing technology in the elevator industry. Why this technology is extremely relevant is because in the next century urban communities will be where roughly 80-90% of the world’s population and elevators play an imperative role in urban society. Furthermore, elevators have allowed humanity to built up rather than across, which has arguably hurt the environment by expanding society’s footprint.
In their current cable system elevators use a lot of electricity to function and are actually not all that efficient at doing their jobs. In this new proposed system, elevators would be run entirely by magnets (lower energy costs) and would cut down on time spend on the elevator. It is really hard to explain exactly why these new elevators would shift the shape of buildings, but as can be viewed by the above image it is extremely unique and unlike anything I have very seen before. In conclusion be prepared the elevator is in the process of evolving.
[url=http://www.bagkakaku.com/vuitton_bag/2/N42250.html]42ミリメートルワイドケース(100メートルまで耐水性)黒コーティングによる鋼の中にある。私はそれを信じてdlcです、しかし、ブライトリングのないdlcに具体的に言及する。事例ベースの治療は、「高度耐性炭素が、彼らは単に状態。」……。別名dlcですか?ケース・ベントリーのための署名のブライトリングの角の側面と「closデュパリ」と刻まれているベゼルに見えることがあります。これにより抑制された大きさにおいて、私はそれがよりよく見えると思います。 カルティエ偽物 腕時計に取り付けられた黒いゴムひもです。考えてみると私は理由を知りませんが、両方の条件を見て「カーボン」と「ミッドナイト」のタイトルである。二人とも何か暗いか黒いを意味するのにしばしば使われます。おそらく、彼らはちょうど部分を特定するのを助ける1つの学期で動けない可能性があります。[/url]
This reminds me of the elevator in Harry Potter at the Ministry of Magic. Anyways, that would be great technology that would use less energy. I do not really see how shifting the shape of a building will help with climate change, but I am happy to see that there are great minds are work trying to find solutions.