"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." --Mahatma Gandhi

Solar Energy: The New Industrial Revolution

Solar Energy in China

In this recent New York Times Interview, they sit down with the man currently leading the charge for solar energy development in China, Li Hejun. Hejun believes that once solar energy gets to the point where it rivals coal in terms of cost, it will lead to a new economic revolution globally. With this being said, Hejun also makes the point that China’s solar energy technology is actually a lot better than most people give them credit and believes China is essentially the third highest country investing and developing solar technology. If this is true then all the power to Hejun and his company Hanergy because it will take alternative mindsets like his to move China past coal-powered technologies, so that they can correct the immense environmental degradation they have caused. Also in wake of Obama’s most recent agreement with China, company’s like Hanergy make me believe China will be able to hold up to their end of the bargain.


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  3. Brittany Flynn

    I just wanted to comment on what I saw in China. So when I was on the high speed train from Shanghai to Beijing I passed a lot of houses, and almost every house I saw had a solar panel on its roof. This was not a very big solar panel, but it probably generated enough energy to sustain that household. I really hope that the alternative energy industry will be able to compete with the oil industry in the near future.

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