"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." --Mahatma Gandhi

“A Big Win for Climate Change Denial”


In a video clip of Lee Fang and Amy Goodman of Democracy Now, last Tuesday’s elections are discussed in regards to what it means for climate change policy. With Republicans winning the Senate, leadership of certain committees will be in the hands of very serious climate change skeptics. Oklahoma Senator Jim Inhofe made a video for the climate denying think tank “The Heartland Institute” about how climate change is just rhetoric for Democrats to get elected; he will be in control of the environment committee. Senator Ron Johnson will control the homeland security and government reform committee, meanwhile Senator Ted Cruz may serve as head of the science sub committee within the commerce committee, which controls federal science research.

By placing climate change skeptics in important positions, there will be a lot of pressure on the EPA to rollback or delay proposed rules on carbon emissions, a push for exporting oil and Keystone XL, and a call for fracking. Although Democrats also accept campaign funding from fossil fuel industries and haven’t eliminated the idea of increased fracking, very conservative Republicans were elected. In other clips that Democracy Now has shown, Ralph Nader has called this era, “the most militaristic, corporatist, cruel, anti-worker, anti-consumer, anti-environment, anti-women, even anti-children programs of the Republican Party” and senator Bernie Sanders has said “The United States is on the verge of becoming an oligarchy.”

With a divided government and even more anti-environmentalists in place, how do you think the rest of the government will respond to these elections? How about the public?


  1. [url=http://www.eevance.com/tokei/zenith/index.html]色は、この腕時計で新しいことを唯一のものでない:リンデやり直しのダイヤルを持って、5層からなる上部層、さらに白骨化されている。この月のより多くの相は10、11時位置で着用者によって見られるのを許します。また、lwなくなると彼らは合金リンデと呼んでいますが、「航空宇宙材料」を作成しました(または「alw」)。その音は少しあるかもしれない間、リンデによってチタンの半分の重さと鋼の強度が2倍になった。材料は、以前は「無色」の形で使用されているが、リンデの白い背景の上に、光を吸収するとタコの色を変更する方法を模倣することを意図します。我々がどのようにすべての人にこれを翻訳するのを見ます、しかし、それは本当ですが、リンデの商標の角の場合このクールでむしろ衝撃的に見えます、薄い灰色の色。[/url]

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