Gorp at Sullivan Park

When Professor Brandes told us we would have the first 15 minutes of class to just sit in silence I was thrilled. With all of the homework that I have and extracurricular activities that I balance, I never can find the time to just sit and not think about everything that I have to do. I picked a small spot right on the edge of the park that was the last piece of manicured grass before the tree line.

First I focused on touch. The grass tickled my bare legs and I could feel the small bugs itching my skin in a way that it felt they were crawling all over me. I normally would get up and shake off that feeling but I was dedicated to take advantage of my alone time at the Park.

Next, I focused on sound. I close my eyes and I felt that all I could hear was the whirring of cars and the clicking of bugs. I was disappointed that I could hear the footprint of man when all I was trying to do was breakaway from reality. I spent some time thinking about this frustration but I told myself that I shouldn’t be frustrated by this and that I had to refocus my attention. I had to accept that I was not very secluded and that it is so rare to not find the presence of humans. So I started to think about how the bugs were just as loud as the cars. They seemed to be competing for the attention of my ears and I shocked that the bugs were capable of fighting off the sound of cars.

As I opened my eyes I focused on sight. When I was sitting I saw the bushes in front of me shake. I watched the tree tops and focused in on the squirrels and birds that carried along with their tasks without even realizing I was there. I sat and looked for a while thinking that I could see it all from my seated position. Despite this thought I eventually I rose up and walked even closer to the edge of the woods. As I did this a deer scurried away, unlike the birds and squirrels it realized that there was an intruder. I saw the bed of a seemingly dried up creek but as I leaned in I saw a subtle trickle of water in it, something that I would not have noticed had I stayed in the grass. I wanted so badly to climb through the brush to get a closer look but growing up on the beaches of Long Island I know that ticks are always lurking nearby and that lymes disease is no joke. A tiny voice told me I could not explore more and I knew that I was not living up to the expectations of this class by stopping due to a redeveloped fear. However, I could not shake this fear that I have had since I was a child and so I never made it to explore the creek in Sullivan Park.

Instead I looked up to the sky and found a bird circling over head. At first I thought it was a vulture but before I could get a better look I heard Professor Brandes calling for us to return to home base. When I looked back up to find the bird it seemed to have disappeared- if only I could have followed that bird like I wanted to follow the creek that was hidden in the brush.

Stupid, Annoying Nature

I love being outside. Going out and playing spikeball or frisbee on the quad is an ideal excursion from my dorm. The tail end of summer makes for beautiful afternoons to enjoy before it gets cold out. However, nature just makes it annoying and hard to enjoy this sometimes.

For instance, this past week my friends and I went to go play spikeball on the quad and our mouths and ears were quickly filled with gnats buzzing all around. We could not stand still for more than five seconds without being swarmed. While we would normally hang out for at least an hour or two (schoolwork permitting) however these gnats quickly cut it down to maybe twenty minutes.

Nature is a beautiful thing with plenty of sights to see and experiences to enjoy. However, it can just be so annoying sometimes. Mosquitoes and gnats just come to ruin the fun. A perfectly good hike can instantly turn sour when these bugs come out to play.

Individual Perceptions Of Nature

During our discussion of diary of a citizen scientist on Wednesday, someone mentioned that they appreciated Russell’s enthusiasm for sharing her passion over beetles. After reading more of the book, that thought really stuck with me.

To put it bluntly, I am not a big fan of the book. Reading chapter after chapter about insects isn’t the most exciting thing, although I’m trying to enjoy it. However, I too appreciate Russell’s relentless passion for her little niche of nature.

Reading this book has got me thinking, do people think my love for nature is boring? Once more, this thought reenforces the idea that we all perceive nature differently. While I might not be enthralled by the discovery of new beetle species, I think it’s awesome that Russell can find excitement in something so different from the natural things that I find excitement in. And yet, our very diverse interests still fall under the same category of nature.

Along similar lines, I thought it was cool to hear everybody’s different observations of Sullivan Park. While we all drifted off to sit in different directions, we were all concentrated in a relatively small and aesthetically homogenous area. Yet we all saw different things and connected different trains of thought. It was very cool.

They Paved Paradise


They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot
With a pink hotel, a boutique
And a swinging hot SPOT
Don’t it always seem to go
That you don’t know what you’ve got
‘Til it’s gone
They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot

They took all the trees
And put them in a tree museum
Then they charged the people
A dollar and a half just to see ’em
Don’t it always seem to go,
That you don’t know what you’ve got
‘Til it’s gone
They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot

Hey farmer, farmer
Put away that DDT now
Give me spots on my apples
But LEAVE me the birds and the bees
Don’t it always seem to go
That you don’t know what you’ve got
‘Til its gone
They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot

Late last night
I heard the screen door slam
And a big yellow taxi
Come and took away my old man
Don’t it always seem to go
That you don’t know what you’ve got
‘Til it’s gone
They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot

I said
Don’t it always seem to go
That you don’t know what you’ve got
‘Til it’s gone
They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot

They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot
They paved paradise
And put up a parking lot”


I chose to post this song because the message of it really hits home and highlights the issues of industrialization and the the idea that society is responsible for destroying the environment. One line that really sticks out to me is ” Don’t it always seem to go that you don’t you know what you’ve got ’til it’s gone”-that’s usually how it seems when it comes to environmental issues. We build and we build and it seems so great, and then once we sit back and look at what we’ve done it is put in perspective.

Rolling on the River

Proud Mary, Rolling down the river. I figured I’d jump in on the river song posts while they were still relevant. The song I’m discussing is the Credence Clearwater Revival classic, Proud Mary.

The catchy guitar licks and John Fogerty’s unique vocals talks about getting away from the everyday bustle and taking a step back to slow down, and in this case, take a ride on the river boat Proud Mary.

Big Wheels keep on turning

Proud Mary Keep on burning,

Rolling on the River

The simple point of the song can be seen as message to take the time to step back and appreciate what there is around us. The Proud Mary, and the river for that matter, is going to keep on rolling.

The song reminds me a little of Living Like Weasels, when the lyrics talk about leaving a job in the city and not having seen the good side of it until he left for the river. The song drives home a point that you shouldn’t be wasting your time on something that doesn’t make you happy. The song suggests you should find your meaning in life and in this case the river is the calling. It’s going to keep moving forward and if you aren’t happy with where you are, get on the river and move forward with your life.

Out of Touch, Out of Reach

Many people today lack a strong connection to nature. This may be attributed to being out of touch since childhood, or to not being out of reach of cell phones and other technology. Some pieces discussed in class have led to this idea of being distanced from the natural world.

The Wilderness of Childhood piece addresses the loss of freedom to explore the natural world as a child. This lack of experience causes children to be out of touch with their surroundings from a young age, so that they may not fully appreciate the world in which they live. The author describes taking his daughter for a bike ride and says, “As we wandered the streets of our lovely residential neighborhood at that after-dinner hour that had once represented the peak moment, the magic hour of my own childhood, was that we didn’t encounter a single other child.” The gap between two generations is utterly disappointing, since the children of today often lack such rich relationships with nature and even with their neighbors.

The article Outdoors and Out of Reach explores the effects of heavy use of technology on how people think and behave, as numerous scientists retreat into nature without cell phone access for a few days. The scientists suggest that the addictiveness of this digital stream of information may affect decision-making skills and other intelligent thought processes. This “drumbeat of incoming data” creates a “false sense of urgency that can affects people’s ability to focus.” People are so strongly affected by ideas and information so readily available to them, and the constant usage makes everything seem more urgent and rushed. People survived and got along well before such technology was even available, so the opportunity to step away from it all shows the scientists that not getting information about something immediately, such as a grant, is actually not the end of the world. I wholeheartedly appreciate their conclusion that they, and others, should aspire to be less engrossed in the digital distractions of today and be more engaged.

Both pieces address different ways in which the modern world has evolved away from nature. Children are sheltered indoors, while most people are dependent upon technology to adequately enjoy their days. This does not need to be the case. We should encourage children to enjoy their childhood outdoors, and we should set positive examples for each other to remain engaged and not distracted by trivialities.

Outlawing Citizen Science


My google search was “critique’s of citizen science.” I hypothesized that some professional scientists may have issues with the trustworthiness of numbers gathered by people who have nothing to lose, no tenure to gain, or no reputation to build. However, I discovered something much more frustrating and disappointing: Wyoming has made it illegal for anyone to “collect resource data” from any federal, state, or privately owned land with the intention of sharing it with the state or federal government.

The article further explains the implications of this law. It makes photography of natural spaces illegal, it makes pointing out an environmental disaster illegal, and it makes citizen science illegal. The article also quickly points to the E. coli outbreak in the water in many places in Wyoming as the reason for this law. It mentions that the abundance of E. coli is from ranching, a politically powerful industry in the state.

I routinely point to money in politics as the number one thing that needs to change to allow environmentally minded legislation take place. Big-ag lobbying within states has enacted laws such as this one in Wyoming, Ag-gag laws which make it a crime to video or photograph the inside of a factory farming operation, and has prevented California from enforcing water restrictions on Agriculture, the biggest water consumer in the state. Many people don’t realize how much of a chokehold industrial farming has on this country due to the fact that they can get these seemingly small laws passed within states without many people noticing.

If we don’t allow citizens to have a voice when it comes to the cleanliness of their own land, we’ve surely eliminated democracy. Furthermore, if a citizen cannot ask their government for help when their land has been ruined, or their water polluted, we’ve now allowed the interests of a few to jeopardize the health and happiness of the majority over generations. We cannot allow states to enact laws which only shove problems under the rug rather than addressing them.


Nature Reclaims

Some people may look at the abandoned houses of Elkmont, Tennessee and see a classic example of human waste and excess. These perfectly functioning houses built with natural resources such as logs cut down from the local forest have been abandoned. They are no longer hospitable in the slightest, and people who may have lived there will now be using additional resources to build new houses in a new location. Instead of having natural forest there is now a ghost town serving no purpose other than entertaining tourists.

I actually found the abandoned houses beautiful and reassuring.



The houses look as though they are being swallowed back into the forest. The image comforted and reassured me because it made me confident of the fact that nature and wilderness would recover, irregardless of what humans do to the planet. There is a lot of worry with climate change that humans are going to permanently alter the planet and ruin it. This picture reminded me that while climate change could potentially make this planet inhospitable towards humans, nature will always adapt and survive. Nature will always reclaim its land.

