The last paddle of the season

On Columbus Day I was lucky enough to paddle along the Great South Bay of Long Island. This wasn’t my plan originally as I had headed out early in the morning to try and surf in the ocean. Unfortunately upon arriving at the beach there were zero waves. Such a bummer as I knew it would be my last chance to ride until the summer. So my boyfriend and I resorted to plan B and headed back to my house to grab my paddle board, kayak and paddles and we decided to spend the morning on the Bay instead.

We threw on our wet suits and headed out and we were both surprised that it was a beautiful morning on the Bay. We were warm in our wet suits as the sun was beating down on us and temperatures rose to the mid 70s. I had no phone, no camera and no watch on me. And I was in absolute heaven. I just focused on maneuvering the paddle board. Because I was focusing on balancing the paddle board I couldn’t sit back and enjoy the beauty around me. However, I really wasn’t mad about this because I realized that working in nature is really the best way for me to reflect and enjoy it. I think that if I sit back and just look around I get too distracted on my own thoughts and fail to enjoy myself.

I felt like a new person without any technology and released from the stresses that accompany them. The only moment that I wanted to take a photo was when we were heading back out of a canal we had adventured down. The water was clam and let the sun twinkle on top of it. At the head of the canal the bay was vast and blue. The shrubs on both sides of the canal were a beautiful green and golden fall combination. My boyfriend and I blurted out at the same time how beautiful of a picture it would be and that we wished we had a camera. However, we agreed that a picture could not replicate the beauty that we saw. We reminded ourselves that remembering that amazing morning would be far better than trying to capture just one part of it and be disappointed by the picture we would have had as proof.

I know we are encouraged to take pictures for this blog but sometimes forgetting the camera is a lot better than dealing with the stress of trying to capture the perfect photo.

A passage to note

“Olmstead was convinced that the “contemplation of natural scent of an impressive character” had asking beneficial physical, mental and moral effects, particularly if it occurred “in connection with relief from ordinary cares, change of air and change of habitats””. (Spirn 93)

I found this passage intriguing because of how true I think that it is. There is something about getting outside that really calms me, and I think a lot of us, down. It takes us out of our heads and focused on something else. Spirn goes on to say in the same paragraph that the mind is occupied without purpose when in nature. But I think that today there are a lot of activities have the same effect. It can be said that watching T.V. or playing a video game occupies our brains without purpose too and can distract us from the stresses of life. So what is it that makes the two types of activities different if they have the same effects on our brains?

Saving Ducklings

I recently came across a video on Facebook of a man helping save baby ducklings that had fallen through a storm grate and returning them to their mother. I tried to find to video again and although I didn’t find it, I came across many other videos showing the same phenomena ( for example).

My question is at what point do we play concerned citizen versus letting Nature take its course? We are the reason that the storm grates are there but should let evolution take its roll in weeding out the mama ducks who were’t intuitive enough to avoid the storm grate?

Confluence Story of Place #5 – Bethany, Erik and Tessa


Another look at the slowly changing colors of Autumn.


Looking at this side of the bank instead of across into New Jersey as in the previous picture, the colors of the leaves seem to indicate two entirely different seasons.


Compared to our last visit here, we noticed that the water level had receded significantly. In the pictures, you can tell where the water had risen to from the storms in the previous weeks by the color of the rocks – where the rocks are darker, they had been more recently covered by water. It’s amazing to be able to notice the changes in water and to think about the sheer volume of water that passes through the confluence daily.




The geese that we had noticed on our last visit were still seen between the island and Pennsylvania. It would be interesting to know whether this was the same flock that had stayed here for over a week, or if it was a new flock that had stopped in the same place. Either way, this indicates that there is probably some abundant source of food that is able to maintain the number of geese in this area.


Once again, we did not run into the homeless person who inhabits this area. It looked pretty similar to our last visit, although when we approached for a closer look, we did notice that the creepy zombie face targets no longer had paint on them, which we took as someone had been there to at least refresh the targets. We still hope to have a conversation with this inhabitant at some point in the near.

Interesting Passages

“My house was not empty though I was gone. It was as if I had left a cheerful housekeeper behind. It was I and Fire that lived there;and commonly my housekeeper proved trustworthy” (Thoreau 275).

While this was not my favorite passage from this passage of Walden, I definitely felt a connection to it. This past weekend, both Saturday and Sunday nights have come with a freeze warning. Sunday was also the day that the heat in my house was finally turned on, so it was a huge difference between coming home Saturday to a cold house and Sunday to a warm house. That extra bit of warmth is very welcoming and homely.

“Herring and shad have returned to the Hudson, though they spent some generations adjusting to radioactivity trickling out of Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant…Missing, however, are nearly all fauna adapted to us. The seemingly invincible cockroach, a tropical import, long ago froze in unheated apartment buildings” (44).

I thought the author was being very presumptuous and contradictory here. He claims that some species could adapt to radioactivity but others could not adapt to climate change. He also contradicts himself as he says earlier in the chapter that global temperatures would have risen. Overall I enjoyed the piece although it was very dark, but this one point really stuck out to me.

Passages of Interest

“Even if it weren’t raining, with subway pumps stilled, that [flooding of subway lines] would take no more than a couple of days, they estimate. At that point, water would start sluicing away soil under the pavement. Before lone, streets start to crater. With no one unclogging sewers, some new watercourses form on the surface. Others appear suddenly as waterlogged steel columns that support the street above the East Side’s 4, 5, and 6 trains corrode and buckle. As Lexington Avenue caves in, it becomes a river” (Weisman 30).

“A house whose inside is as open and manifest as a bird’s nest, and you cannot go in the front door and out the back without seeing some of its inhabitants; where to be a house guest is to be presented with the freedom of the house, and not to be carefully excluded from seven eighths of it, shut up in a particular cell, and told to make yourself at home there, -in solitary confinement. Nowadays the host does not admit you to his hearth, but has got the mason to build one for yourself somewhere in his alley, and hospitality is the art of keeping you at the greatest distance” (Thoreau 266).

Making Our Own Seasons

After a few cold nights, the New England ski industry is gearing up for one of it’s earliest seasons in history. The juxtaposition of white snow and the bright foliage looks incredible, but I’ve always found it crazy that ski resorts are able to make snow this early in the fall. I think that the development of snowmaking systems is an interesting example of how human technology allows us to manipulate nature for our own benefit. Here are a couple of photos (posted on Facebook this morning) from two ski resorts in Maine. They even had a coating of natural snow at higher elevations, last night.


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The City Without Us

“‘Some people want to put the forest back the way it was 200 years ago,’ he says. ‘To do that, I tell them, you’ve got to put the Bronx back the way it was 200 years ago.”

This was a quote from The City Without Us, page 35. It’s pretty straight forward but I thought it highlights an interesting disconnect between environmental consciousness and action. When we talk about  the difference between conservation and preservation, many people think that environmental responsibility revolves around leaving things untouched or returning “nature” to its original state. However, many don’t understand that humans and nature can’t always interact without a give and take. While we want to protect the environment that we live in, we must learn to adapt our own lifestyles in a way that creates a neutral relationship between human and the environment.

I really liked this piece as a whole. Its descriptions of New York City after the extinction of mankind reminded me a lot about the Manifest Destiny painting that we saw at the Nurture Nature Center. I also like the idea of the bridges collapsing and the tunnels flooding, leaving the city stranded as the natural island that is once was.

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Visit to La Farm


The top of a carrot peeking out from somebody’s garden.


The biggest cricket I had ever seen (granted I haven’t seen many crickets). This was also just one of may that were covering this particular plant.


The wasp that was so attracted to my apple that I had to stop eating it for fear of getting stung as I tried to enjoy my midday snack. It got really into it though, literally, as it burrowed its head into some of the indents left by my teeth.

“No Mow” Zones

After reading Nicole’s post on Lafayette landscaping, I became curious about landscaping on other college campuses. I began to wonder if any college campuses just let their landscaping go and grow naturally as they would in the wild. I found this interesting link with a list of sustainable landscaping initiatives on college campuses across the country:

In particular one of these projects stood out to me, at SUNY Cortland, they are focusing on creating “no mow” zones to promote sustainability. While their current 1 acre “no-mow” plot is by their athletic fields rather than in the center of campus, I thought it was cool that a campus was promoting natural growth like this. They are hoping to establish about 2 to 3 acres of “no-mow” zones. In addition this site mentions the abundant wildlife that has been seen in this “no-mow” area: turkeys, fox, deer, woodchucks, raccoons.

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