Sounds on the Trail

During the hike, my ears were keenly searching for nonhuman sounds such as a leaf rustling, a bird chirping, the ground being disturbed. Occasionally my vigilance was rewarded as a squirrel or the occasional dog on the trail made their presence known to me, but I was hoping for more.

The ravens racing amongst the trees, dancing with one another and singing to their heart’s content, gave me the feeling that I was immersed in land that was not my own, not for animals, but for all of us, on equal footing. The benefits of the land for the ravens were the same as those for me, we shared an appreciation for the habitat, as I was awed by the views, and they were able to call it their home. But still, I was hoping for more sound. I was surprised by where we found it.

Half asleep in the back of the van, I was jolted to being woken up at a rest stop on the way back to campus. Some people were getting drinks, others using the restroom, and as such, I decided to stretch my legs before we made the rest of the trek back to Easton. Outside of the rest stop a lone tree stood; it was obviously placed there for decoration’s purpose, and there were no other trees within sixty yards of it, as highway and parking lot surrounded the complex. As I walked by the tree, I could not believe my ears.

Countless birds were sitting in the tree, squawking away, talking to one another about prospects for food in the lot, or dropped items that could make for a good snack. More birds than I had encountered on the entire hike were sitting in this one tree in the parking lot of a rest stop, and it made me sad.

I wanted to tell them, “Go to the Ledges! You will be happier there”. I wanted them to see what I had seen that day, and not where we happened to stop in the car for a break. I wanted them to call home where the ravens call home, but unfortunately this was not the case. Funny the way some things work out, as all the birds were far from nature, and the contrast throughout the day was striking.

Wilderness as what? – Passage of Interest

Wilderness is a loaded word. It fits nicely into the founding mythology, conjuring up a vision of a forest primeval full of formidable creatures and humans who were not civilized enough to be called anything but savages. Demonizing the landscape and its occupants helped justify their conquest and destruction, which was the first step in the creation of a new Eden.” – Jim Sterba, 22

I was really intrigued by how Sterba explained the colonists’ interpretation of wilderness. Today, we usually think of wilderness as an image of perfection and a dwindling gift that we want to cherish. However, to the founders of this nation, wilderness was scary, burdensome and in the way of development. This passage clearly shows the difference in understanding and respect for natural resources that separates the past from the present. Back then, people saw the world and its resources as limitless. Today, we understand that everything on this planet is finite and that our actions play a role in the planet’s climate. I think that this passage does a cool job of juxtaposing two different trains of thought.

I was also interested to learn that the indians would burn millions of acres of forest for many different and often insignificant reasons.

Bursting Out of the Lafayette Bubble

These past 3 weeks seems like the most stressful weeks of my life. It seemed like I was in an endless midterms week. I walked everywhere in speed-walk while my brain was dazed and stressed. I felt like I was an awful person to be around that was just constantly talking about what I needed to get done and stressing everyone else. I knew that Saturday’s hike was going to be my light at the end of the tunnel. This thought got me through the last week of work.

On Saturday morning I slept through my first 2 alarms and woke up disoriented to Julie tapping me to get out of bed. I threw on my layers of clothing and headed to Wawa. The lights and bright packaging made me even more confused and overwhelmed but I shook it off and headed to WAC. I squeezed into a van row and attempted to sleep off my 3 weeks of midterms, despite the fact that my knees seemed to be going numb.

When we arrived at the trail I was ecstatic to get out of the van. I needed to use my legs and get in a nature that wasn’t the quad. As we started the hike I immediately regretted bringing as much water and layers as I did. They were weighing me down, making me uncomfortably hot and my filled backpack started to hurt my back. But, I continued on anyway and powered through.

Being from Long Island I don’t get to see mountain tops and valleys very often so when we came to the first ledge I was mesmerized. It was at this site when I first came to think about the point I mentioned on our last stop. Looking out at the trees that seems to last forever and land below me, I thought about how much other stuff there is in this world.

I use the vague word “stuff” because I think that there is just really so much outside of my own life that this Earth encompasses. There are millions of trees that have their own networks and ways of survival. There are millions of species that are part of different ecosystem webs. There are even animal and plant species that humans don’t even know about that exist out there. There are billions of people on this Earth that have their own friendships, personalities, joys, and worries. And there are the oceans, rivers, lakes and bays that have their own ecosystems that are entirely different from the one that we saw on Saturday. Point being– looking out on this vista and walking along this trail made me realize that there is so much “stuff” on this Earth outside of the stress I endured these past 3 weeks on the Lafayette’s campus. I am just one very small part of this Earth.

It is important to get out in the wilderness and to remember this notion. If we do not we can get too wrapped up in our own lives and become stressed out about things that are just so minute. We would unintentionally live life as ignorant and self absorbed. Reflecting on the big picture is humbling and calming. Coming out of the hike I am emotionally and mentally restored. The physical hiking of the trip (and focusing on not breaking an ankle) helped do this but it was looking into the woods and out to the vistas that brought me back to center. As much as I wish it could, the Quad just doesn’t seem to do the same for me. Maybe the reasons why is the pesticide use or the idea of being on campus but either way I need to get out of the Lafayette bubble more often.

Mount Desert Island: Rugged Beauty

“One of the great historical ironies of Mount Desert Island was that its natural beauty was being destroyed just as it was being ‘discovered’. Until the mid-nineteenth century, the idea that ‘wilderness’ could be appealing was bizarre to most people. But Thomas Cole, the landscape artist, and other painters of the Hudson River school, helped change that notion. Cole visited the island first in 1844. Other painters followed. They glorified the island’s rugged beauty and its people’s simple life, portraying in their brushstrokes both the raw landscapes and the lives of farmers and fishermen who lived by the sea.” (Sterba, 13)

Upon reading this passage, I paused my reading in order to understand what was being discussed. I was intrigued at the mention of Thomas Cole after our previous discussions of his work, so I searched for a painting of Mount Desert Island by him. The image below truly does capture the rugged beauty of the island.

The website where I found the image also included the following quote from Cole’s journal: “A tremendous overhanging precipice, rising from the ocean, with the surf dashing against it in a frightful manner. The whole coast along here is iron bound, threatening crags, and dark caverns in which the sea thunders.”

Nature Over Time in the Catskills

Seeing the same bit of nature at different times can be such an interesting experience. Over years, over seasons, and even over just the course of one day, a nature scene can change so much. The change in the nature of our trail that I observed over the course of our hike was fascinating, and showed me how dynamic nature can be.

Starting up the trail in the morning the trail seemed so quiet with the exception of some fellow hikers and their canine companions. About thirty minutes into the hike I realized just how quiet it was. I had not yet heard the call of a bird, the leaf-rustling of a chipmunk, or even the buzz of an insect. I continued to notice there were very few sounds to be heard besides the noise of our steps, conversation, and the rustling of leaves in the wind.

However, upon our return back down the trail I noticed the forest seemed to come alive. The forest was bustling with chipmunks scurrying back and forth, more birds were to be heard, and for the first time ever I heard a chirping squirrel? Yes this hike was a hike of firsts, not only because I had never been on the trail, but because I had never heard a chirping squirrel.

It was interesting to see the activity of the forest change. To see if go from a place of quiet filled with dormant life when we started out, to one full of various noises from the active and awakened life along our return.

Necessary Hiking

Usually I can’t wake up for my 9 am class, but Saturday morning at 6 am, somehow I was able to hop out of bed like a rabbit on the first warm day of spring. I opened the door to the outside to discover that the sun had not yet awakened. It’s always disorienting for me when I step outside to start my day and the sky is still dark. Despite my conflicting excitement and disorientation, I trekked to Wawa for some sad, yet essential, scrambled eggs and then walked with Jackie to Williams Visual Arts Center.

I was fortunate enough to be surrounded by those who fear sitting behind the back tires, so I was able to stretch out in spacious, albeit bump magnifying back seat. I slept wonderfully, with the exception of one bump that awakened me mid-air, and was ready to attack the trail once we reached the entrance.

I started out a little overconfidently. This has not been one of my most physically active semesters, so by the time we ascended up our first steep piece of the trail, I was winded and peeling off my outerwear as much as I could. Just above that steep bit was when we encountered the delightful 77 year old man and the first trail-pup. It was so early in the hike, and I was already inspired by our natural surroundings and the people who were sharing them with us.

As we got further into the hike, I enjoyed conversations with various members of the class, exchanged greetings with other hikers, and let myself be revived by the crisp air, striking colors, and invigorating exercise.  The vistas we imbibed while standing on the cliffs were breathtaking. Although the sky wasn’t perfectly blue and the longer we stood, the more uncomfortably cold we became, my senses were wholly satisfied. It’s a shame that some people sigh in disappointment at a grey sky. So many beautiful places have a perpetually grey sky. Wouldn’t a departure from that perhaps take away some of the true essence of that place? I’m tempted to say that a bright blue sky on a cold fall day would have disappointed me, but we all know that’s not true.

While sitting on a boulder eating GORP, gouda cheese, and granola, I felt tempted to lean back on the mossy, lichen covered surface and invite insects, twigs, and plant matter into my hair and jacket. I always find that the deeper I get into a hike, the less averse I am to touching everything. While we were standing discussing how our readings relate to the experience, I was playing with the branches above me and surveying to see if there might have been a branch strong enough for me to hang on. During that discussion, I also felt a strange phenomenon that only occurs when I’m in nature or on a stage: an ability to focus so precisely while also allowing myself to observe and be distracted by everything else around me. I find myself much more able to carry multiple streams of thought when I’m in nature.

On the way back, the bright red leaves that littered the trail captivated me. At the time, the only way I could express this was telling Andy that those leaves “were really doin’ it for me.” I enjoyed Jeremy and Dave’s company for the first part of the way back and was reminded of how much easier it is to converse with someone while walking with no intention of diverting courses. There’s no speeding up your last thought because you soon have to peel off in another direction or find yourself only half-listening because you have to focus on getting to where you’re going in a timely fashion.

There’s something so powerfully relaxing and nourishing about climbing up and down rocks, planning your next steps, breathing in fresh air, participating in unhurried conversation, and ignoring being not entirely comfortable. I am doubtful, anxious person. I constantly question if I’m using my time effectively, making the right decisions, and retaining some sense of being true to myself. When I hike, I have no doubts. I don’t question if I’m spending my time effectively, because I know I am. I know I’m being true to myself because it just feels damn right. Even if I get winded and need to sit or slip and have to catch myself, I still feel nourished by my action coupled with the balanced surroundings around me.

I need hiking. Perhaps some people don’t, but I know I do.

Getting off the beaten path

Let me start by saying that I really enjoyed yesterday’s hike. As I mentioned during our mountaintop discussion, our trip gave me an opportunity to escape the often overbearing Lafayette bubble and retreat into the environment where I feel most alive.

Although this hike was similar to countless other hikes that I’ve done, I found myself more aware of the abundance of people on the trail. I noticed how packed down the trail itself was and how at times, our rest points felt more like a Manhattan intersection than a protected wilderness reserve. It was great to see so many people out enjoying “nature,” but the packed wilderness area really drove home Cronon’s argument that man and nature cannot exist separately.

Another funny moment for me occurred when the large group behind us emerged onto the first ledge. Without a moment of hesitation, one of the teenagers in the group exclaimed “This view is nothing, I’ve been to the grand canyon!” I couldn’t help but laugh as this notion was almost identical to many of the discussions that we have had in class this year. Can we really place different levels of value on different “wilderness” locations? I found it amusing that this individual was so quick to brush off the beauty of the moment with a comparison of one piece of nature being better than another. I guess I’ve always placed value on the moment and place that I am in rather than comparing one place to another.

One final thought from that kid’s exclamation ties back into our most recent paper topic, Nature as Cathedral. Had the roles been reversed, and Panther Mountain was dubbed one of America’s most splendid national parks (instead of the Grand Canyon) would that kid have had the same reaction? Was he looking at the his trips for the experience in nature or for the title and reputation that they carry? Something to consider…

Bear Sightings

As I began our new text by Jim Sterba, Nature Wars, the following passage stood out to me right away:

“Connecticut bears were judged to be all but extinct after one was shot in 1819, the last known bear killing of the nineteenth century. By 1986, a few bears had ventured down from Massachusetts, hiding out in the hills and hollows in the northwestern corner of the state. The population has since grown to an estimated five hundred, and they have turned up as far south as Stamford and Greenwich.” (xiii)

This reminded me of the frequent news stories in my hometown over the summer as bears were spotted with greater frequency than I can recall in a single summer. I have not personally seen one, but I know plenty of people who have seen a bear in the backyard, which was previously almost unheard of. Here is an article about the many sightings:

In the time span of a year, over 4000 bear sightings have been reported across the state. In that same time span, about 35 were from my small hometown alone, while some towns had hundreds of sightings. The article makes a note that relates directly to the passage above: “At one time bear sightings were uncommon outside of the northwest corner, but corridors of wooded areas have made it easier to bears to travel to different parts of the state.” The drastic increases in these bear sightings during more recent years is something that has personally affected many people in the state. People, such as my mother, worry about whether to continue to hang bird feeders or whether to let pets roam unsupervised for even a few minutes. It was interesting to see a point so close to home in the beginning of this new text, so I am excited to see how else I can relate to this book.

Leaf Snap – The History of March Field

Over the years, the layout of Lafayette’s campus has constantly changed. Widespread development and construction has led to the removal of many trees. I’ve always enjoyed looking at old pictures of an area and seeing how it has changed over time. A few weeks ago, I came across an old book about the history of March Field. As you can see from the attached photo, in the early/mid 1900s, March field used to be a track and athletic field. Surrounding the field was a thick band of trees, many of which might still remain today.

Lafayette College in 1925

Lafayette College in 1925








March Field, today.

March Field, today.








Although I looked at a bunch of trees, I was particularly interested by the large trees that remain intact behind the DKE house. According to Leafsnap, the bright yellow leaves that I found behind the house are Shingle Oaks. Assuming this is correct, this tree is native to the North America and can be found in PA specifically. It would be pretty cool if the leaf I found was from a tree that is likely over 100 years old!

A Shingle Oak, Found behind the DKE House.

A Shingle Oak, Found behind the DKE House.








I also snapped a video of the leaves shedding in wind, last week.

The Quest for Panther Mountain

We hit the trail on a crisp morning and at a brisk pace. The pace was set not only by the desire to warm up and the length of our strides but also by the desire to reach the allusive point named Giant Ledge. How giant could it really be? I had to know. As it turned out, our pace was too brisk, as we stopped several times to allow the others behind us catch up. As we waited, our bodies cooled and thus as the gathered again as a group, we were more than eager to take off again to warm up. It did not take long to reach the ledges but the view was still marvelous. I had not realized the elevation we had gained from our drive in to the mountain and from the burn in our quads. The ledges opened up suddenly to a breath taking view of the valley. Even though it was not a clear day, ridges of mountains far beyond could be seen from our vantage point. I wondered how far we may actually be able to see, perhaps into Connecticut or Massachusetts or Pennsylvania, depending on our orientation. After the thrill of the ledges, we learned that we were to continue onwards towards Panther Mountain. Somebody mused, “I wonder if this is like Fox Hollow, named for something that is no longer here.” I thought that was a good point. The front of the group was raring to go, I among them. I could only imagine what was waiting for us on the mountain, what views and what scene would be laid out before us as we stood on top of the world. We only made it part of the way before we realized that our destination as a group was unrealistic. It may have been possible under different circumstances, but today was not the day.The itch to go just a little bit further had to be put out of mind, as we turned around and headed back down the path we had ascended earlier in the day. Should I get the opportunity again, I will make sure to reach the peak and quench my thirst for the feeling of success that comes with summiting yet another mountain.