A Second Look at Koyaanisqatsi

The whole film revolved around comparing and contrasting different images and shots with the soundtrack setting the mood in the background. In my eyes, the film started out with a negative look towards humanity and its effects on the planet. The opening shot of the rocket launch had a very fire and brimstone feel which is typically a doomsday sign. The soundtrack cast a very ominous overtone with the chanting during the rocket launch. The film ended with the conclusion of the rocket launch – its subsequent explosion and failure. This very clear beginning and end symbolized the path that humanity is on, but the middle of the film had a more hopeful tone.

Once the film switched to the shots of the different landscapes, the music changed to a much more thoughtful and serene tone. This peaceful image was very different from the initial scene of the rocket launch. Underlying the soundtrack was the sound of wind which added the effect of making viewers feel like they were standing among the landscape, feeling the wind brush past their faces. The music matched the tempo of the clouds and moving and the rivers raging which looked very similar in appearance. It conveyed the purity of nature and how separate it is from the hustle and bustle of human life. These serene shots set up a sharp juxtaposition with the hectic life of the city.

The next time the film switched back to human life, the shot of the truck became obscured by smoke. After all of the images of the beautiful landscape, the first human made object becomes consumed by a thick, dark smokescreen that came from the truck. This could symbolize how humans may end up being their own demise. Though this film was made roughly 20 years ago, the message this sends is only being supported. Back then, it was the threat of nuclear holocaust; now it is the threat of climate change and pollution. Although the reasons for humankind’s destruction may have changed, it is still coming about at the hands of humans. This message was only supported as the fim switched from a factory handling molten metal (more flames and black smoke) and, ultimately, the nuclear bomb explosion (epitome of fire and brimstone).

With humankind being portrayed by these dark scenes, the overall tone towards humans began to shift afterwards. The effects of humans do not just lead to doom and gloom. Most of these horrible events resulted from good intentions being misused. The film quickly flashed clips from a space launch to clips of various scenes of warfare showing the good innovation can do as well as the bad. These two sides were also displayed through the contrasting of rows and rows of tanks and rows and rows of cars. This began the switch from all the negative impacts humans can have to the thriving life that humans have built for themselves.

The majority of the shots the film displayed after this centered around cities and the teeming life they are filled with. This switch was introduced with a profound silence as the camera panned over a cityscape. After the neverending music that had accompanied the video so far, this silence stood out even more so. The audience then gets slowly introduced into the life of the city as the scenes pan downwards and eventually end up on the streets. The city has a much more positive vibe now and the shots have a much different feel. They focus on the vividness of life.

Almost all of the shots that have humans in them are packed to the brim with humans. The sheer amount of life being displayed sends a message in itself. Despite the chaos that may seem to arise from the cities, there is a certain organization. This organized chaos of human life is then compared to the organized chaos of the industries humans take part in. The moving assembly lines paired with the moving rows of humans on escalators solidified this message of organized chaos.

Throughout all this hustle and bustle, the vigor of life still shone through and reminds us that each individual has his or her own story. The film included multiple shots focusing in on certain people to the point that it bordered on an overly awkward amount of time. This was to reinforce this message that each despite the craziness that humanity has brought onto the world, each individual still has power, is important, and can make a difference.

Koyaanisqatsi Impression

My first impression of Koyaanisqatsi was in the form of a sensory overload. I was so overwhelmed as the film panned over various sped up  and slowed down visuals. Additionally, the loud music that played in the background contributed to my sensory overload. After getting past all the fast and slow moving videos and the music, I was able to appreciate the visuals that the director chose to use. Every shot of the natural environment that was selected was stunning while nearly every shot of civilization was dreadful.

I think the point that the film was trying to make is that there is starting to become a defined line between humans and the natural world. What use to be two entities that coexisted, is now no longer. The title of the film highlights this phenomenon, “life out of balance” or “life disintegrating.” The film highlights some pressing issues like those associated with urbanization, industrialism, commercialism etc. One of the most memorable moments for me in the film is when you see the people all laying out on the beach and as the film zooms out you are able to see reality. The people are lying on a beach that is directly adjacent to what appears to be a factory, perhaps a power plant of some sort. Highlighting the ‘life out of balance’ phenomenon.

I think that art is potentially something that can save the world, and this is something that I would never of said a semester ago. Before the start of this semester and before I started to volunteer at the Nurture Nature Center, I wasn’t the biggest fan of art. I didn’t hate it but I didn’t appreciate it as much as I should have. Since I started going to the Nurture Nature Center on a weekly basis I am regularly exposed to local artist’s art and have seen art about a topic that I am passionate about, the environment. I have created more of an appreciation for it. What I have come away with at the near conclusion of the semester is that art is something that once you are able to interpret on your own, find meaning and find your own value in, it has a sort of strength and power that can move you. A power that excites you and makes you feel passionate. Art is something that has the ability to eventually become so powerful to a person that once you find value and meaning it can potentially move you, inspire and push you to ‘save the world’.

Our unbalanced lives

Like many other students have said in the blog responses, Koyaanisqatsi really made my head spin. It was not only the head cold I had on Monday combined with watching the fast pace clips, seeing the bright lights, following the repeating scenes and hearing the loud repeating music that did me in. I think that what made my head spin the most was the realization that we live in a world of mundane order and repetition that we do not even pay attention to because it is just how we live and never question it. I think that this is an important realization for most of us to have and I would recommend that others watch this film in order to gain this understanding. However, I don’t think that everyone would realize this idea or at least act on it after watching the film. As an environmental studies major I am already in tune with the gloom and doom of our society. Not everyone is as versed in these issues so I that is why I worry that other would be bored by the repetition, overwhelmed by the sounds and images and would fail to see this larger message.

The argument in the film is that Earth has its own system that it self balances but humans throw the balance off. There are no data sets and graphs that show this destruction but the images and obvious contrasts of the natural world to the human world clearly show this impact. The clips of the rolling clouds and rolling waves are cut to overlap each other and at first make it seem like they are a continuation of the clip before it. However, when the viewer takes a second look at these clips they may realize that the film is actually showing different systems. These images advance the idea that systems of the Earth which seem so different actually function similarly and follow a natural flow. To contrast these natural cycles, images of human intrusion are abruptly cut to in the film. There is no longer a natural flow in the images, like there were of the nature scenes, but rather fast paced and mind numbing clips, such as the various highway and factory scenes. There are also clips of nature being absorbed by man such as the beautiful full moon being absorbed into the skyscraper and the ever-growing mushroom cloud. This is important to note because it symbolizes how human development is consuming nature without even considering the consequences. The final clip of the burning rocket is a very powerful message that symbolizes the Koyaanisqatsi prophecies. In summary these prophecies are warning that when we mess with the Earth, we are only bound to burn up and fail in the end–just like the rocket did.

As a side note:

I was interested in why there are clips of human faces and slow-mos of people walking down the street and turning to the camera. Is this to contrast the idea that we are just nameless people in the rat race like the factory and car clips suggest? Is it there to remind us that we are people and we each have stories despite how many of us there are? Or are they there just to put a face to the consumption and destruction?

Koyaanisqatsi Response

Koyaanisqatsi is an intriguing film to say the least. The lack of dialog and main characters was different from what might normally be expected in movies, but I found that this enabled the film to speak more broadly about humanity in general, rather than certain individuals. The music and video of the film was sufficient, and they were enough to make me slightly uneasy yet also engaged in the film. I was drawn into the film with the almost hypnotic dirge of the music, but by being drawn in, the film also has the power to make the viewers feel uneasy about their place in the world and their own impacts upon it. However, I would recommend this film, even though it is dense, to others because one viewing would be enough to leave an impact. I found myself thinking about the film throughout the day afterward, so it left a lasting impression, especially since the music was stuck in my head most of the day.

The film depicts the transition from and the difference between the old natural environment and the new technological environment. The film combines beautiful cinematography and an intense, repetitive score to show how life is out of balance. The beginning shows vast natural landscapes with rolling clouds, which transition into rolling waves of water. This shows the harmony between the natural forces which shape our world as the scenes flash between clouds and water. The camera then moves quickly through the area between, showing all the beauty of the natural environment. Then there are images of destruction, machines, power lines, power plants, dams, and more. The stark contrast of these things thrown onto the previously shown landscapes shows the direct and extensive intervention of mankind, utilizing the natural resources. Clouds are shown moving through the sky again, but this time as a reflection on a skyscraper, further emphasizing man’s dominating presence.

A long shot of a plane moving toward the camera captured my attention. It seems to represent the idea of this life out of balance, as it carries people where man is not meant to be naturally. Humans can’t fly and could not without the incredible technology of planes. Another interesting juxtaposition is when a shot of many cars lined up flashes to a shot of tanks lined up similarly. This made me think of the wars waged on other humans versus the constant war on the environment. Even while humans face wartime, the processes and technologies involved further propel the unnatural war on the environment.

The film captures the busy world of today with countless people moving through public spaces at rapid speeds. There are so many people and processes, like assembly lines, featured to show the sameness and monotony of this technological and crazy world. Humans have created much of their own fun and entertainment with games, movies, big cities, bowling, and more, as opposed to enjoying what exists naturally in the world around them. Sightseeing is an example of something that is more of a novelty than a genuine appreciation of the (often man made) sights. Many of the passersby in the film do not appear all that happy or satisfied as they go about their days. The juxtaposition of shots and associational editing of a computer panel and a city planning grid show how precisely planned and technology-based societies are now. The film seems to encourage people to slow down, simplify, and appreciate things in life. If more people did this, more thought would go into people’s actions and projects and impacts on the surrounding world.


Watching this film in class was, for me, a tale of intertwined contrasts. There were numerous themes that were dancing back and forth across the screen as the film progresses, and how they compared to one another, and which was preferable, was up to the viewer to see whether or not humanity was making the right decisions in our relationship with the Earth.

Some of these contrasts included: light vs. dark, wet vs. dry, windy vs. still, colorful vs. dull, human creation vs. nature, finished products vs. the dirty processes that created them, civilian vs. military, booming vs. desolation, creation vs. destruction, amusement vs. necessity, and most importantly, slow vs. fast.

I believe everyone who watched the film in class left with a feeling of anxiety or nausea after the movie became incredibly quick towards the conclusion, and this was no doubt the desired goal for the makers of the film. The problem with nature and humans for the filmmakers is spiraling out of control; it is exponential, growing, and manifesting itself throughout our society and more importantly our earth. It was hard to watch as the screen danced from image to image, sometimes sprinted from one to another, as my eyes hurt and my head begged me to look away from the ever changing projector screen.

There is a common notion throughout the film that man is capable of destroying itself. Culminating in the mushroom cloud from the nuclear bomb, but also the slow motion films of fighter jets, there is the ever present underlying tone that the base that our society is founded upon is in essence always at risk of collapsing away if we are too lenient with our respect for the natural world.

I do not know if Koyaanitsqatsi is, for me, a motivational call to arms in order to protect the environment and our relationship with the natural world. What gets through to me in terms of documentaries and pieces that are made to influence their audience towards action is at least some form of hope, a plan of action, a way forward out of an issue. There must be a tangible goal that can be met after watching an influential piece for me personally to feel inspired to take action myself. For me, because Koyaanitsqatsi was so depressing, so fast paced, covering practically all aspects of human life, it made the problem seem too large to conquer, or to even address, which unfortunately is coming closer and closer to truth. It made me too depressed (and sick) to be able to derive what action the filmmakers wanted to see out of their audience; while it was obvious they wanted to see more respect for the environment and a transition away from current practices, the movie was so large in scope that after that, it was hard for me to find the next step.

Hopi Apocalypse Prophecies and Koyaanisqatsi

Watching the documentary in class on Monday reminded me of the apocalyptic prophecies of a Native American tribe. At the time I couldn’t remember which group the prophecies came from, or why I recognized the name of the Hopi Indians. I shrugged it off and just assumed it was just from an obscure history course I took a while ago but after doing some research I found out the prophecy I was recalling was a Hopi prophecy. Once I discovered this the film started to make a little more sense.

It is the belief of the Hopi people that we are currently in the Fourth Age of Man. Previously, three separate ages have been destroyed by fire, ice, and flood. It is difficult to explain, especially since I still don’t fully understand their beliefs, but essentially the Hopi have nine prophecies that signal the end of an age of man. Once these happen a certain Hopi is supposed warn the world that life is coming to an end. That is what I believe the purpose of this documentary is for.

Having this knowledge definitely gives the documentary a more powerful meaning. It explains the ominous undertones to the music. Here is a link to read up more yourself, tell me if this changes your opinions of the documentary.


An Uncomfortable Message

Wow. Speechless. As soon as the documentary started I had a sensory overload. The ominous bell ringing along with the confusing visual imagery left me tense and unnerved. It didn’t take long for the headache to sink in and for me to start to count down the seconds for the film to end. I felt my shoulders tighten and found any excuse to look away from the screen. I couldn’t tell what made me more uncomfortable in the audience, the ominous underscore of the documentary or the unsettling visuals used throughout the entirety of the filming. Despite the visceral reaction I just described, which I can only describe as unpleasant, I would definitely recommend watching Koyaanisqatsi to others. I feel people should watch things that make them uncomfortable. By doing so, the audience can explore themselves better and, with this documentary especially, explore a side of a discussion that they typically miss.

The way I viewed the purpose of this documentary was to show that the human world is headed towards disaster. In the opening scenes of the documentary it showed many picturesque views of natural landscapes that had gloomy, threatening “music” played along with it. Without this music setting a scary tone these images would have been considered beautiful and they, arguably, still were just in a much more haunting manner. As the documentary progressed elements of human life and the interaction of humans with nature were portrayed. With the insertion of humans and human elements into Koyaanisqatsi there was a significant change in the music. Images became more hectic and the music was less chilling and more annoying. By the end of the movie nature was completely absent, all that was shown was people in congested cities. All the activities shown were monotonous, moving at accelerated speeds for extended periods of time. It seemed to portray a society that was moving in the wrong direction into chaos. A monotonous, unfulfilling life is depicted seeming to show that we, as a society, is moving in a direction that isn’t beneficial to us or the natural world we live in, before we finally eliminate all of nature in the closing minutes of the film. Lastly the film ends with the destruction of the rocket, a man made object, almost seeming to say that the world we have constructed is headed for destruction itself.

Koyaanisqatsi is a powerful film, spreading the message that the human world is to become inevitably bleak by making the audience uncomfortable. This approach seemingly works; I did not leave class Monday comfortable or happy.

Climate Refugees

All of the debates in the media about the Syrian refugees recently reminded me of a documentary that came out a few years ago called climate refugees. A climate refugee is a person displaced by climatically induced environmental disasters. Such disasters result from incremental and rapid ecological change, resulting in increased droughts, desertification, sea level rise, and the more frequent occurrence of extreme weather events such as hurricanes, cyclones, fires, mass flooding and tornadoes. I am worried that these refugees will not have any country to turn to, similar to these Syrian Refugees. In both cases there is little the refugees have done to cause the issues they now face, but they are stuck dealing with the consequences. With a potential for hundreds of thousands if not millions of climate change refugees coming in the next century, a global plan to deal with them is needed.


This is an incredibly interesting and inspiring documentary, and I encourage you all to check it out.

Reaction to Koyaanisqatsi

As professor smith said in class, this was a film that completely different than anything I had ever seen. The only other movie I had watched without any speaking was the artist. While I had not particularly enjoyed that movie, I found Koyaanisqatsi incredibly powerful.

The film starts with serene images of canyons, mountains, forests, and oceans. The music is repetitive in a way that washes over you and provides a sense of tranquility and happiness. The music then drastically changes and images of nature are replaced by highways and skyscrapers. Ominous music blares as you see nuclear power plants and hoards of human beings scurrying through cities.

While the music was captivating and really helped convey the tone that the author was portraying, what really stood out to me about the movie was the incredible videography. The shots of nature were all incredibly striking and beautiful. Many of them were overhead and slow. I especially loved the sped up shots of the clouds flowing over the mountaintops. These sped up shots were in stark contrast to the sped up shots of people in the streets. The people seemed to be scurrying all over the place with no real purpose. Going and going and going but doing so unnecessarily.

I felt the peak of the movie was about half way through. This was the only time that there was no music behind the tracking shots. After such a long score that never stopped, the quiet felt deafening. It was at this moment of quiet that a city of rubble was shown with no people in it. I think the point was to demonstrate that we are destroying these naturally sceneries to build and build more and more but in the end the legacy we will be leaving on this earth is one of ruin.

Reaction to Koyaanisqatsi

This was definitely a very different film than I am used to seeing. The part that stood out to me the most was the musical score. Even as I am writing this, I have the lyrics, deep and slow of “Koyaanisqatsi” echoing through my head. The score certainly added a lot to the film. Images within the film without the soundtrack would have had a very different effect and probably would not portray the message as effectively. As a whole, I was not the biggest fan of the film. I have a short attention span and changing images and music was not enough to keep me engaged throughout the entire hour and a half. I can definitely see why this film has a cult-like following but at  this point I cannot count myself among those people.

First, I think the message of the film is very clearly stated by the title, Koyaanisqatsi, translating to “life out of balance.” The film maker did a very effective job of juxtaposing incredibly scenic and impressive landscape shots with daily scenes within human life. I think the landscapes which showed vast landscapes really contrasted with the shots of human activity which typically showed either lots of quick, repetitive motion or tightly compacted areas. One comparison that really stuck out to me was the factory line producing hot dogs, which then shortly after cut to people filing up escalators. While it is not explicitly said, which is part of the beauty of this piece, the two are being compared the similarities, while laughable, are remarkably the same.

I think a major part of this film is the feeling you get while watching it. Even though I did not  particularly care for this film, the combination of music and images constantly put me on edge and feel a little bit anxious. When paired with the translation of the title, the film really brings to life the idea of humans acting out of balance with nature and the continuation of these actions may lead to disaster, a point that was really emphasized for me with one of the final scenes of the exploding rocket.