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The bed….. It talks to me

Have you ever seen the Sour Patch Kids commercials?? Well, if you haven’t, their motto is “first their sour then their sweet”. …

Post-it Notes are key…for now

With time to adjust to cutting out plastic water bottles I’d say I have been pretty successful! Following McKenzie-Mohr’s belief that reducing …

Barriers to Success

As I have mentioned in earlier posts, this challenge has not been an easy behavioral change. Changing any behavior, sustainable or not, …

Beginning the Challenge

So far, I have been consistently taking shorter and shorter showers. It has become almost a game with myself to race the …

The Fridge-cident

As I have continued to attempt to reduce my carbon footprint by lowering my electricity use, I have realized that there are …

less water

This week has been going quite well concerning my sustainable behavior challenge.     Although on the first day I still forgot …

Investigating the Changing Time

My adopted behavior was considerably less enjoyable this week. I’m having a hard time determining why, but I think it has to …