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Put The Phone Down….

  So, yes if you were wondering I do have over 16,500 tweets and yes, if you were wondering that is a …

In The Shower

Did you know that the average person spends 5 to 10 minutes showering?  That may not seem like much but when considering …

Walk? I’d rather drive.

After completing the Carbon Footprint Calculator exercises  I noticed a few things.  I noticed that in relativity to many other U.S. homes, …

Weigh Your Waste

For this sustainable behavior challenge, I first did the calculator, which said my footprint was about 23 tons of carbon dioxide, …

Do you eat real?

I called my cousin, an environmental studies major, the other day to talk to her about our assignment and see if she had any …

Cow Farts

    Who knew that a fart could be toxic? I certainty did not. In fact, I lack a lot of knowledge …

Don’t Have A Cow

After investigating my carbon and ecological footprints it came to no surprise to see that I, like most people, consume at a …

One Plate Club

I have always considered myself a fairly environmentally conscious person. I don’t eat red meat, I recycle as much as possible, I …


As I calculated my Carbon Footprint, I pondered how much I actually do in order to help the environment. I never litter, …